January 4.0

Jan 29, 2017 00:30

Title: But what is a name as it fades letter by letter?
Summary: Alice's body seemed to be covered in mouths and they were all screaming at once.
Characters/Pairings: Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange Bartemius Crouch Junior
Genre: Angst
Beta: n/a
Rating/Warnings: g
Word Count: 665
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindfullofwordsandsilence

Alice’s body was nothing but pain and her mind was being invaded by an erratic buzz, like a radio trying to find a signal.

Her skin was burning and - in the darkness inside her closed eyelids- it was starting to peel off. Except it wasn’t, and the pain was real and the marks weren’t, and there was a line there, between what she perceived and what was true but the crack in her senses had created an abysm and everything was falling to it.

There were so many screams. Inside and outside. It was Frank, or her Alice, or both. Bellatrix Lestrange’s voice was there too, cruel and sharp and crawling inside Alice with every new shot of pain.

There were words, too but the air was a destructive mist that ate words and chewed them and spit them until every articulation was lost and whatever noise was left was meaningless.
Her bones were snapping, breaking. Her mouth melted on his face and her eyes sunk inside. And nothing of that was real.

She was real. Frank was real. Neville, all rosy and innocent, was real. Augusta taking care of the baby was real.

Fever. She repeated. Neville had a fever and Augusta was taking care of him.
Alice tried to cling to that, to live in a sentence, in a fact that was free of Death Eaters and pain. She needed something real and harmless, a piece of truth, a trace of light shining somewhere.

Her body seemed to bend under the Cruciatus curse and she was there again, fallen and trembling on a cold ground.

At least Neville wasn’t here.

Where was Neville? Oh, Merlin! Had they captured Neville as well?
The nightmare stopped for some seconds, enough to make Alice she realized she was doubled over in pain, grasping for air, choking on it as if she had forgotten how to breathe.
She had been drooling, she noticed. And the group of Death Eater noticed as well.
“Disgusting.” Rodolphus Lestrange said but there was a tinge of amusement in his voice.
Alice looked around, searching for his son and then remembered he was safe -she hoped, prayed- at his grandma’s

Shen then look He was still breathing, but aside from the slight trembling in his body he looked motionless, lifeless. The eyes of the man she loved were lost in the air. Perhaps so was his mind.

Alice closed her eyes and tried to think a plan, a way out, an attack, something. Anything. But the noise inside her head was still buzzing.

And then there were other noises.

A short conversation between The Lestranges and Bartemius Crouch . Three jeers sounding like one. A single word.

And the show resumed.

Alice felt that her body was covered in mouths and they were all shouting at once. She felt her limbs move as manipulated by strings and the pain inside her exploded again and again. But there were no visible cuts or bruises, no wounds that would heal and scar. Just pain.

The pain was embracing her, lacing her up, crushing her and slithering through the cracks in her body, travelling to her mind.

At least Neville wasn’t here.

Where was Neville?

Augusta. Fever. Right. Alice felt her body burn.

Pain and laughter resonated in her ears until she couldn’t hear her thoughts. Alice breathed in and thought of the dementors and almost saw them there, almost felt a kiss, but it was her sanity and not her soul what she was losing.

He thought he heard Frank say her name but when she looked at him, his mouth and body were still.

Alice, something said. Alice. Who was Alice? Think of Neville, think of him walking to you and saying your name.

At least Neville wasn’t here.

Who was Neville?

The name, the word divided in written symbols and phonetic sounds echoed through her. It sounded like something warm. It sounded like something sweet and shiny, like a candy wrapper.


creator: sickle_girl, character: bartemius crouch jr., character: frank longbottom, character: alice longbottom, !saturday special

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