January 3.0 // A New State of Mind

Jan 21, 2017 21:19

Title: New Perspective
Summary: It's Draco's wedding day, but it's not Pansy's. She watches the love of her life marry someone else, and decides it's high time she got over him.
Characters/Pairings: Pansy, Draco/Astoria and Blaise
Genre: Angst
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 683
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No

Tears brimmed in Pansy's eyes as she watched the love of her life marry someone else. Someone younger, someone prettier, and someone with a much better social standing than her. She took a deep breath and looked upwards, blinking repeatedly in an attempt to stop the tears flowing. It wouldn't do for her to be seen crying at Draco's wedding; her friends, foes and of course, the papers, would have a field day about it.

Thankfully, they hadn't asked her to be a bridesmaid. It would have been weird, and Pansy wasn't sure she'd have been able to cope if she'd had to be involved in the planning. It was bad enough that Astoria had invited Pansy on her hen do, though as Draco's best friend, she knew it would have been strange for her to not have been invited.

Still, that hadn't made the night any easier. None of her friends were there; they were mostly Slytherin girls from Astoria's year. Daphne, a girl from Pansy's own year, was there, but Pansy and Daphne had never been close. Acquaintances, at best. So of course, when the male strippers came out, it was nothing if not awkward. Pansy had rejected a lap dance from one, and got the feeling the other girls were talking about her behind her back.

They probably were. Pansy didn't care. She knew if it were her hen do, and it was she who was marrying Draco, that strippers wouldn't have even featured. Putting all else aside, Pansy was classier than that, which was why she found it so bizarre that the Greengrass' were a better social match than her family.

Her father had never been a Death Eater like Draco's had, though admittedly, he had silently contributed to the Dark Lord's cause. She hadn't known until it was brought up in several Death Eater's trials; in order to get a better sentence, they'd shopped everyone else involved. The Greengrass name had never cropped up, and so it seemed that on paper, they were a decent match for the Malfoy's.

Pansy didn't know if Draco loved her like she loved him, but she knew for certain that he didn't love Astoria. It was simply a marriage of convenience. When they'd talked, after the engagement announcement, Draco had told her he'd grow to love Astoria, and that Pansy would have to forget the feelings she had for him.

That was easier said than done. Even now, nine months down the line, she couldn't help how much her heart panged for him. It would take time, she knew, but how much time? It didn't help that she had to see them so often; the Slytherin social calendar always had one event or another, and she couldn't not attend those. They were the only chances she had of getting a suitable partner.

Draco and Astoria said their vows, and music flooded the room. Everyone was clapping and congratulating them as they walked back down the aisle, arm in arm. Pansy caught Draco's eye and he nodded to her; she simply smiled back. It would not do to let him know how upset she was; his focus had to be on Astoria now, not her.

As she followed the crowds out of the Malfoy Manor ballroom, she knew something had to change. She couldn't go on like this; she had to think differently. She had to have a new perspective, else she'd never get over Draco.

Pansy held her head high, placed a confident smile on her face and walked over to the best man, Blaise Zabini. She'd always known he'd had a thing for her, but she'd never been interested because of her infatuation with Draco. Perhaps now, it was the perfect time to move on.

“There's a closet just down the hall,” she whispered in his ear. Immediately his face lit up and he took her outstretched hand.

Sneaking down the hall and into the closet, Pansy decided that a new state of mind was in order. And that new state of mind would just have to be Blaise Zabini.

683 Words = 23 points for Hufflepuff!

genre: angst, creator: scarletladyy, form: ficlet, character: pansy parkinson, character: blaise zabini, rating: pg-13, !saturday special

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