January 1.0

Jan 07, 2017 16:28

Title: We were ordinary and magicless and alive once.
Summary: Covered in blood and bruises, with his father somewhere (and possibly dead) Dennis thinks about how he got there.
Characters/Pairings: Dennis Creevey, Colin Creevey, Oliver Wood.
Genre: Angst
Rating/Warnings: Mention of Character Death
Word Count: 636
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindmadeofwordsandsilence

Dennis can’t remember what silence is. The world around him is made of explosions, cries, screams and agony. He’s been pushed aside, protected by Oliver Wood as curses break the air and cause wounds. Colin went back inside, at some point, but the castle feels so far away, severed by little battles everywhere.

Dennis grasps his wand and does what he can, what he was taught to, what he must. It feels unreal. The spells are nothing but a bunch of words, his weapon nothing but a thin piece of wood. The smell of blood is real, though.

He thinks of this parents, of the ordinary lives his family lived before they found out that their ordinary kids had magic in them. For years Dennis couldn’t think of a life in which they had remained muggles, unaware and cast away from the wizarding world and all the wonders hidden. Now, not for the first time, he wonder is that would have been better. They could have been attacked all the same, he realizes. Muggles casualties stopped being breaking news long ago. But maybe then he wouldn’t be here, so close and so far from his brother, knowing that the isolation, the fear, the pain is all caused by what they are.

It’s a coward thought, he knows it and he is supposed to be brave. He is supposed to be a fighter, a soldier. Friends, allies and enemies fall by his side and he wonders when it will be his turn.

A curses grazes Oliver and Dennis takes a step forward. He can’t lose him, he lost sight of his brother, can’t even tell if he has made it back inside, but he can’t lose Oliver. He can’t lose the man who warned Colin before they came for their family, the man who, in between everything, promised that when his was over he would invite Colin to his Quidditch practices and let him take photographs because he was really skilled of them. Colin had truly smiled at that, reminded that he had a hobbit, a skill and that there was more than war left in the world.

So Dennis fights back to back with Oliver, knowing the young man would rather be back on his broom but tries hard not to think himself as a burden. Colin would frown at him if he did.

There’s a bit of air, a break, a trap. There is an explosion and suddenly they are pulled apart, separated by rocks falling and deadly colours.

“I’m fine,” Oliver says, coughing as dust blocks his throat.

They keep fighting and Dennis keeps waiting for Death to come.

It never does, though. It brushes him, whispers in his ear and leaves him for some time later. It takes his brother instead.

Death takes Colin, who spent summers preparing him for Hogwarts, who was so sure that his brother was a wizard too and that he would end up in Gryffindor as well. Death takes Colin and Dennis remembers how a year ago his older brother was talking about O.W.L.s and possible careers and actually listening to what Dennis had to say.

Dennis feels the ground against his knees, hears Oliver says that “they” will take Colin inside. And then he is talking to someone else about him, Dennis. The boy feels a hand on his back, a broken hug, another hand taking him inside.

Oliver would bring Colin inside. Or what is left of him. A soulless set of skin and bones without an inch of life.

Everything is numbed. Dennis can’t hear anything. But inside, as he recalls the memoires of a simple, ordinary, magicless but happy childhood, Dennis thinks about that owl - that first letter, the reason why he is covered in blood and his brother is dead- and screams.

Noelia/Ravenclaw/ 21 points

creator: sickle_girl, character: dennis creevy, *tumblr allowed, character: colin creevy, rating: g, character: oliver wood, !saturday special

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