General Art Challenge 118: Pumpkin Characters (Harry, Sirius and Moody)

Oct 27, 2016 22:39

Title: Pumpkin!Harry, Pumpkin!Sirius and Pumpkin!Moody
Medium: Pumpkins
Characters: Harry Potter, Sirius Black and Mad Eye Moody
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: For General Art Challenge #118 "In Darkness let me Dwell". Megan and Mindy collaborated on 3 pumpkins.

3 x General Art Challenge #118 (Very Good Finished): 225 Points
112 points for Gryffindor! 112 points for Ravenclaw!

Mindy of Gryffindor & Megan of Ravenclaw
(fizzbuzz & luna_shovegood)

[Note for the Mod: Megan / luna_shovegood needs a creator tag]

*challenge, character: sirius black, rating: g, form: collab, genre: gen, form: art, creator: fizzbuzz, *tumblr allowed, *needs new tag, character: alastor moody, character: harry potter

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