4 Art (No Challenge) | 6 Poem Challenges: 116, 113, 107, 73, 72, 75

Oct 23, 2016 22:06

Title: Beneath the orange sky
Medium: Poem
Characters: Remus Lupin
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: For poetry challenge #116

Beneath the orange sky
splashed with hues of purple and pink
the day begins to wander over the hill
behind the castle
beyond the lake
where a man sat watching
within a shack
inside a tree
where a wolf sat
for the blanket of darkness
and a full moon
to glisten and growl its arrival.

Title: Hogwarts at sunset
Medium: Digital ink and watercolour - I use Paper53 on iPad
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: Accompanying illustration of my poem 'Beneath an orange sky'

Title: I'm looking at you through the glass
Medium: Poem
Characters: Harry
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: For poetry challenge #113
Pressing his hand to the glass
so close
so unbelievably far
impossible to touch
he watches his family mingle or dance
or what would have been his family
if it had not been torn from him.
Potter after Potter after Potter.
And yet, now alone.
Alone in a room
with a mirror and a cloak.
As he looks at you through the glass
he wonders
which makes him feel more invisible
the cloak or
the mirror.

Title: I show your heart's desire
Medium: Digital ink and watercolour - I use Paper53 on iPad
Characters: Harry
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: Accompanying illustration for my poem 'I'm looking at you through the glass'

Title: The vomit flavoured one
Medium: Digital ink and watercolour - I use Paper53 on iPad
Characters: Young Albus Dumbledore
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: For poetry challenge #107

"It's fun!" they said
"Exciting!" they promised
"What's life without a little risk?"
At this, I knew my fate was sealed.
The hat had placed me in Gryffindor
perhaps a mistake
I didn't want to take the risk
but I didn't want to look stupid
not on the very first night.
Not now.
So I nodded my head and callously shrugged my shoulders
"alright then"
like I didn't care.
I cared.
Luckily they didn't see my fingers shake as I dipped my hand in the box.
Luckily they didn't see a nervous bead of sweat slide down my forehead.
They did see me projectile vomit across the common room.
I was most unfortunate, in my youth, to come across a vomit flavoured one.
Perhaps next time, I shall be lucky.
With a nice toffee.

Title: They mean every flavour
Medium: Digital ink and watercolour - I use Paper53 on iPad
Characters: Young Albus
Rating: G - Warning: Vomit
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: Accompanying illustration for my poem 'The vomit flavoured one'

Title: The sorting ceremony
Medium: Poem - nonet
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: For poetry challenge #73

Nervously walking through the Great Hall
Hundreds of eyes keenly watch us
Wondering which house we'll be
Gryffindor? Hufflepuff?
Ravenclaw? Maybe
Slytherin house.
Only the
hat can

Title: For I'm a sorting hat
Medium: Digital ink and watercolour - I use Paper53 on iPad
Characters: Minerva
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: Accompanying illustration for my nonet 'Sorting Ceremony'

Title: Three brothers
Medium: Poem - rondeau
Characters: The Three Peverell Brothers
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: For poetry challenge #72

Three brothers crossed that day,
despite Death standing in their way,
"I just want to go from here,
without being followed, my path clear";
the wisest and youngest did say.
A wand made of elder to make enemies pay
A stone to bring back love taken away
And a cloak to make one disappear.
Three brothers.
The eldest killed without delay
but then the wand did him betray.
The next, the stone turned back the years
but still could not hold his one so dear.
The final escaped this dreaded foray.
Three brothers.

Title: Birthday Wish
Medium: Poem
Characters: Harry Potter, Hagrid
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: For poetry challenge #75

It wasn't every day you turned 11
or spent your birthday in a light house
in the middle of the sea
in the middle of nowhere.
There would be no cake
no candles
except the ones he drew himself
in the dirt on the floor where he slept.
He closed his eyes
he made a wish.
"I wish I could open the letter
to learn what was inside
to find out who wanted to reach me.
To know if someone cares."
The door thudded off its hinges.
"'Ello 'Arry!"

4 x Art - No Challenge (Finished): 80 Points
Poetry Challenge #116 (56 words): 7 Points
Poetry Challenge #113 (76 words): 8 Points
Poetry Challenge #107 (136 words): 10 Points
Poetry Challenge #73 (28 words): 5 Points
Poetry Challeng #72 (93 words): 8 Points
Poetry Challenge #75 (92 words): 8 Points
Total: 125 points!

character: sorting hat, form: poetry, *challenge, character: minerva mcgonagall, rating: g, genre: gen, character: whomping willow, form: art, creator: fizzbuzz, *tumblr allowed, character: albus dumbledore, character: harry potter

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