Writer's Block 35.6 Voting

Aug 28, 2016 19:21

banner by renrenren3

Time to vote on our submissions for the last WB contest of the term! Check out the drabbles below and vote for your faves!

You will get 2 points for voting and the usual rules apply: don't vote for yourself, etc. Voting will close on August 30 @ 11 PM UTC.

1. Title: Just For You

Note: PG-13 for implications of torture.

“Yes, my Lord?” Bellatrix’s eyes lifted to mine with that spark of irrepressible hope that was uniquely hers for me. No matter how many times I dodged it, redirected it, or otherwise gave her all the subtle signals of This Can Never Be, she held onto it with an unshakable faith that was truly breathtaking.

There was more than one reason why I liked Bellatrix. You just didn’t find that capacity for dogged loyalty every day. That kind of loyalty, you cultivated. I took her hand in mine, noting her sudden inhalation. I so rarely touched anyone voluntarily these days, and she knew it. “I’ve brought you a gift.”

Girlish delight filled her eyes. “A gift? What for?”

I smiled. “Because I thought it would make you happy.”

The sea change of resurgent hope swept through her. It was utterly fascinating to watch. She was actually speechless.

I stroked a finger along the back of her hand. “Don’t you want to see your gift?”

She swallowed, gaining control of the emotions rushing beneath her skin. “Yes, of course. Please.”

I lifted the concealing charm behind me with a nonverbal Finite, but left the Petrificus Totalus intact, except for the eyes. I didn’t have to turn to know those eyes were swiveling around in abject terror and despair.

Bellatrix’s eyes widened and then positively sparkled. It’s always thrilling to be able to exact revenge on those who have wronged us, no matter how distant in the past the offense might have been. It was as true for Bellatrix as it was for me.

My smile widened. “Don’t you want to open your present?”

“My Lord?”

“I’m told you’ve been anxious to practice the Sectumsempra modification we designed. To see how narrow the strips of flesh are that would be removed, and how long a subject could actually withstand such treatment.”

“I would.” Her dark eyes burned with that splendid mix of desire, curiosity, and bloodlust, fixed on the figure behind me.

As I said, there’s more than one reason I liked Bellatrix. “Shall I stay or shall I go while you investigate?”

She licked her lips. “I’d...appreciate your observations, my Lord.”

I patted her hand gently and moved to stand just behind her. “Very well. I’ll be right here.”

Her breath was coming in quickened gasps. “My Lord...I...I-”

“I know, Bella.” My lips hovered just behind her ear. “Now let me see you enjoy your present.”

2. Title: A Secret Delivery

Igor Karkaroff was anxious. Here he was, at Hogwarts, waiting for a special delivery to arrive. He had to be careful, very careful, because that old fool Dumbledore had eyes everywhere. He could not get caught, no. Igor had to keep an eye on Snape as well - just because they were both former Death Eaters, it didn't mean he could trust the man. Or maybe that was exactly the reason he should never trust the Potions Master. The Astronomy Tower courtyard was quiet - just perfect. His package should be here soon. Ah. There it was. Now he just had to hide it very well.

3. Title: For The Second Girl

Molly was so excited to hear from Bill. She hardly gets to talk to him. She is thankful it is more since he's been back in London. She hardly talked to him while he was in Egypt, maybe once a year. She now gets to talk to him once every 2 months. And this time, the excitement was not only that she got to talk to her oldest child, but that he announced that she will have a granddaughter, her first. She was so excited to finally have Ginny after so many boys, but to have a girl as the first grandchild was so exciting to her. She immediately started to think of a baby gift for Bill and Fluer. She didn't want to the common presents as clothes, blankets, or bottles. She wanted to do something special. She knew exactly what to give her. She wanted to make a play toy for her first granddaughter. She wanted to honor Fluer as the mom so she thought of getting the baby girl a miniature carriage that is carried by miniature horses and will fly around the room whenever the baby wants it.

She went to go buy it and quickly sent it via owl. She couldn't wait until Bill and Fluer to open up the baby gift she got. She knew they would love the special delivery for their first born.

4. Title: Birthday Surprise
July 31st 2004 was a very happy and memorable birthday for Harry Potter and that was saying something because in the last 8 years, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys as well as an assortment of friends made it their mission to make up for the lack of great birthdays he had had before. He had been woken up in the most delicious way by Ginny kissing him awake but before it could go any further, she stopped kissing him and reached behind her and with a blush more in keeping with her eleven year old self, she handed him a medium sized thin parcel. "Happy Birthday, here is your first present."

Harry sat up higher in their bed, gently touching the present as if it would disappear. Even after all these years, he felt in awe that someone would care that much about him to give him a present for his birthday. Because of this, he savored opening the parcel, but was very confused to find a gift of a baby broomstick instead. "Ginny?" He glanced at her about to ask why was she giving him a baby broomstick of all things when she smiled at him and rubbed her belly gently.

Then it hit him--they were having a baby! "You're pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes!" Ginny said as as tears of joy run down both their faces.

Harry couldn't believe it-- in a matter of months, they would have their own special delivery- a baby of their own. It was the best birthday present he could ever wish for!

5. Title: New Mothers Famously Love Unsolicited Advice

“Harry,” said Ginny, slowly, her hands gently cupping his face, “my sweet, if you do not get my brothers out of our house in five seconds I will curse you into unrecognizable bits and our child will grow up without a father. Is that what you want?”

Harry gave a small shake, no.

“Good.” Ginny gave his cheek a friendly pat and stepped over Ron’s prone form splayed facedown on the carpet. She eased herself down onto the couch, picking up the treacle tart Ron had tried to slap out of her hand the minute before.

Harry turned to George and Charlie, who were cowering in the corner of the sitting room. Bill was long gone, having the wisdom and good sense to offer one piece of advice about vitamins and then turn on a dime after Harry’s Order of Merlin medal narrowly missed his head, content in having done his brotherly duty (Ginny’s changing center of gravity was throwing off her aim).

Ron, George, and Charlie had not been so easily dissuaded, more fool them.

“Come on then, out you get.”

They nodded, cowed.

Harry took his wand out of his back pocket (a habit he was unable to break) and levitated Ron out of the room. Once safely in the foyer, Harry dropped Ron gently into one of the seats next to the coat rack where he promptly made himself useful by flopping onto the ground and staring glassy eyed up at the ceiling.

George tsked, “She’s a wonder with hexes, our girl. But Harry, I have to say your ‘special delivery’ is making our sister more terrifying than usual. ”

“God, George, please just say ‘pregnant’, stop traumatizing me with your euphemisms,” said Charlie, sunburned nose wrinkling.

“Fine, your “Chosen Bun” is making her all wound up.”

“Right, I’m putting my foot down.” said Harry, crossing his arms in what he felt was an imposing and authoritative manner. “No one is to refer to my firstborn as ‘The Chosen Bun’. I’m feeling remarkably sympathetic to Ginny’s twitchy wand finger at the moment.”

“Aw you’re no fun,” said George, “come on Charlie, let’s take our Great Ginger Lump and go.”

Harry closed the door after them and sighed deeply. It’s just as well he never had brothers, he has too many now. He came back into the sitting room to find Ginny licking the last bits of tart off her fingers.

“Actually, I quite like ’The Chosen Bun’.”

“Ugh, Weasleys."


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