Fic: Forcing To Go Near..Part 2 (No Challenge)

Aug 18, 2016 22:14

Title: Forcing To Go Near...Part 2
Summary: Harry finally goes through the boxes he has dreaded to go through since the day Minerva gave them to him. And as Harry goes through the boxes, with Ginny beside him, he finds treasures he will hold in his heart until the day he dies.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: g
Medium: myself
Word Count: 1544
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Yes
If yes, your Tumblr username: N/A

"Do you want me to join you?" Ginny asked, trying to not look so sad so Harry doesn't see.
"No, you do not have to. Besides, you have the deadline at the Daily Prophet for the Qudditich World Cup match." Harry said, with a solemn look on his face. Harry was right. She did have the deadline to do, but this is her husband and something her husband has to confront in order to start healing from his past.

Today was Halloween, the anniversary of Ginny's in law's death. It has been 20 years since they died, but Harry still had their things up in the attic. He brought them in when they moved into their house right after their wedding, a year ago, but he hasn't went through them. Harry couldn't touch them except to move them up into the attic. He told Ginny ever since Professor, or now Minerva, McGonagall gave them to Harry a month after the Battle at Hogwarts, he's kept them in another room untouched and out of sight, so he didn't have to deal with them. However, he told her a month ago, he was ready to and will do it on the 20th anniversary as a way to honor them. But today, THAT day, he looked like a lost owl. She didn't know what to do but she knew she had to be here for him to comfort him, if needed.

"I can always tell Skeeter that I am not coming into today but can always come in early tomorrow to finish the deadline. She won't mind. She doesn't mind anything I've done since I cursed her for calling you "publicity-hungry". Perks of knowing a few curses." She tried to smile to make Harry smile back at her but it didn't work. Nothing worked.

"Okay. I would love to go through their things with you today." Harry tried to smile back.

They got up from the breakfast table, leaving the breakfast dishes strewn about in the kitchen and walked up to the attic, the place Harry avoided for a year and couldn't bring himself to go near.

Harry was glad he had Ginny as his wife, she was understanding about his sorrow, though she never went through this, but learned he needed to do this and allowed him to do it in his own time. He wouldn't want or need anyone else right now.

As Harry and Ginny walked up to the attic, Harry grew heavyhearted. He didn't know what he would find up there. His mum's old school books, where she poured hours of over studying for her O.W.L.S, that she cherished because she cherished the time she spent at Hogwarts, that reminded him so much of Hermione? Would he find his dad's old Qudditich broom that he spent hours playing on for the Gryffindor team? Or would he find loads of pictures of the both of them with him, as a baby, in the middle? He knew, no matter what he found up there, he had to look, not to clean out the attic, but to fulfill one of his desires, knowing his parents a little more than before.

He didn't realize through all of his thinking, as he walked up the stairs, he was in the attic. He didn't remember climbing any stairs. But as he realized this, he turned towards the corner of the attic that had the boxes, the boxes of his, should of been childhood, should of been life, parents more alive than ever.

As he opened up the boxes and shuffled through his parents stuff, he found some of his mum's
clothes. He lifted up a dress, that he remembered her wearing in the first picture he has in his photo album, and sniffed it. He could oddly enough remember the scent of his mom. The scent was lavendar. He always did have a fond memory of lavendar and now he knows why. Harry knew exactly what to do with these clothes, the clothes he wants to always see from now on and remember his mum in the best way he knew how.

"Ginny, would you want to wash and wear these? I would love to see them on you and I know my mum would be proud." Harry said with a smile that Ginny could tell meant he would be most honored. And so would she.


As she took all the clothes she could from him, she went downstairs to the laundry room to place them in the washer, she knew she had to give Harry his space and do this on his own, deciding what to do with it all. She was very happy he gave her what would of been her mother-in-law's clothes. She always did want to meet the woman who raised the man she fell in love with over the summer before she went to Hogwarts and now she would be able to honor the woman as best as she could, at the moment. That's the only thing she can do while being beside her husband, as he goes through something he's needed to go through for at least 20 years. And as she put the clothes in the washer, she knew no matter what happened during today, she knew he would find the answers he needed to to move on.


He was alone in the attic, he knew, for the moment, but he knew that he couldn't wait for Ginny to continue with the things in these boxes. He had to move on to what else is the boxes. As he moved onto something else in the boxes, he found his dad's qudditich uniform. Of course he wouldn't be able to wear it and he knew the uniforms changed so he couldn't give it to James or Albus to wear for Qudditich, if they wanted to be on the Gryffindor team. He knew what he wanted to do with it. He will display it in their family room along with the many awards that Ginny got while playing with the Holyhead Harpies. He knew she wouldn't mind it.

As he got up to put his dad's uniform on a chair to rummage more through the boxes, he realized he needed a break. He realized it was already close to dinner. He spent so much time focused on his thoughts that he didn't realize he spent two hours up here and he realized Ginny never came back up. Maybe they can go out to a nice dinner and relax for the night and he can come back later tonight or tomorrow after breakfast to finish the boxes. Let his mind wonder with thoughts of what he's discovered so far.

He was able to enjoy himself during dinner. Ginny wanted to talk about what he discovered so far and he was glad she wanted to talk because he wanted to share all of his feelings about going through the boxes. He loved letting it all to her and enjoying dinner. He felt closer to his parents, he told her, as he went through the boxes and learned who they were as kids in Hogwarts and started a family together. But as the date continued, he was anxious to get back to the two boxes that were left and discover more of what is inside.

He knew he would be up in the attic so late at night. It was midnight. Ginny was asleep. She let his mind wander to the top of their house in the attic and skip their usual bedtime routine of playing a game of chess before laying down in bed. She just gave him a kiss and went to bed. And as he opened up the next to last box, he noticed they were two photo albums. When he opened them, he noticed they were of him as a baby through his first year of life, what seemed to the week of his parents' death. He saw the picture they took of him with his parents it seemed like the day he was born. He could see the happiness in their eyes. He saw the picture of his first Halloween, dressed as a Gryffindor chaser, though he didn't think they went trick or treating with him. He saw the first picture of his first Christmas, with him on the broom that Sirius bought him for his first Christmas gift and a picture of him running into the tree with the broom, with his dad laughing in the background. He laid the photo album aside to take downsides to his bedroom.

Well, here it is, the last box. The last box he will open that was once his parents' lives. He did not want this to end but he knew it was bound to happen sooner than later. That truth made he feel heartbroken again. He was gleeful throughout this whole time going through these boxes that would have defined his childhood, if his parents stayed alive. He saw what his childhood would of been, and a few hours he lived in a dream he wished was reality. So to know this is the end was a little heartbroken for him but he knew he had to come to the end to get closure for his grief that has lasted since he was 11 years old when he found the truth of who his true self was.But as he opened up the last box, he discovered this was the best box. It had two ring box on top with a photo album. He put the rings to the side for now and looked through the photo album. He noticed they were of his parents' wedding. He loved seeing the pictures of them being happy. One picture of them together with Sirius, Remus, and Peter, laughing as they celebrate coming together as husband and wife. One picture of them exchanging rings. And one picture of them dancing with the wedding guests enjoying themselves, including Dumbledore and McGonagall. He placed the photo album to the side, knowing he will put that on his beside table. He took one ring box and when he opened he realized this was his mum's wedding ring. He recognized it from the photo he had with his parents dancing. He knew what he wanted to do with it. He will give it to Ginny for their
first wedding anniversary. She deserved it. She has been his support system since Hogwarts and she's only become stronger since then. If it wasn't for her, he doesn't think he would have came up here to open the first box to begin with. He wanted to show her how much he loved her by giving her the one gift that they both will cherish for the rest of their life. It will be a part of their life that was once a part of his parents' life twenty years ago.

He put the two rings on the photo album, grabbed all of the last including the rings and the album and got up to leave the attic, leaving the boxes to get rid of later, maybe never, just to keep the reminder of them still in the attic. He climbed down the stairs and closed the attic door, but not on the door of his parents, his would be childhood, and his dream of what could of been.

Michelle/ Hufflepuff/ 51 points

*tumblr allowed, character: ginny weasley, rating: g, genre: gen, character: harry potter, form: fic

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