Title: Way Too Fast For Him
Summary: Teddy Lupin worries about how fast James is
Characters/Pairings: Teddy Lupin, James Sirius Potter
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Myself
Word Count: 94
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Teddy spent a lot of his time over his godfather's house. He loved spending time with his godfather and his cousin, as he liked to call James. But one thing he did not care for, when he spent time over his godfather's house, was how fast James was as a toddler.
James reminded Teddy of a snitch. He was so fast there were times that James was so fast, Teddy was sure he was a blur such as a snitch.
All Teddy knew is when he had kids, he didn't want them that fast!
Michelle | Hufflepuff | 8 points