drabble: Blue on Blue [challenge]

Jun 05, 2016 17:02

Title: Say Yes to the Dress (Robes)!
Summary: Ginny takes Hermione to go look at some wizarding options for her upcoming wedding.
Characters/Pairings: Hermione, Ginny
Rating: G
Warnings: Nawp
Word Count: 100
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Yep
If yes, your Tumblr username: pemberlady

“I know you wanted a Muggle dress for the ceremony, but look at this.” Ginny pulled out one of the dress robes in Madame Malkin’s with a flourish. “I mean, is this major or what?”
Hermione raised an eyebrow at Ginny, “I never should have introduced you to Rachel Zoe. The havoc it’s wrought on your vocabulary.”
Ginny giggled, and Hermione bent to get a closer look. The sleeves were an elegant bell shape, and the train a midnight blue with iridescent stitching in a light azure that made the flowing train look like water.
“You’re right, it is pretty major.”

8pts for Ravenclaw

*challenge, form: drabble, *tumblr allowed, character: ginny weasley, character: hermione granger

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