Ficlet Challenge #115: Remembering Him

Jun 04, 2016 17:37

Title: Remembering Him
Summary: Minerva remembers Albus while visiting his grave
Characters/Pairings: Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Myself
Word Count: 190
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: yes
If yes, your Tumblr username: no username

Minerva didn't understand this concept of visiting someone's grave to put flowers on it. But she remembered Dougal saying he did it so it could bring some beauty in a place that often people are much too sad. So she thought, if she is going to visit Albus' grave, she might as well bring red roses to bring some beauty to the visit.

She brought red roses because she remembered they were Albus' favorite. He would always take a stroll to Pomona's greenhouse every spring when they were in bloom. For red roses, it was his favorite time of year. He would never say why he loved red roses so much. She suspected it had something to do with Ariana, but he would never say.
He would just take a midnight stroll along Ponoma's greenhouse smelling and savoring the aroma of the roses, with a slight smile on his face.

She only saw it fitting those were the flowers she took to the grave of her dearest friend. Because whenever she saw red roses, she now had to stop to enjoy the aroma with a slight smile on her face.

Michelle//Hufflepuff//11 points

*challenge, form: ficlet, character: albus dumbledore, genre: gen

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