Title: I Once Was a Man
Summary: Colin hallucinates before his death.
Characters/Pairings: Colin Creevey, Dennis Creevey, Susan Bones, Colin Creevey/Susan Bones, Dennis/Harry
Genre: Tragedy.
Rating/Warnings: PG, Description of gore.
Word Count: 458
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: If you want.
If yes, your Tumblr username: ariadnesdreams
This fic was heavily inspired by the song
I Once Was a Man by the Daydreamers. I very highly recommend that you listen to this song before or after you read this. It's not essential, however.
Breathe in, breathe out the best you can,
Colin had never felt so much pain in his life. Sliding down the wall, he held his stomach as tightly as he could. Something was coming out of his body- was it his intestines? He couldn’t be sure. It was hard to breath and he felt like he was choking, and God, he was covered in his own blood. It had to be the end; it just had to be. He was finished.
It was good to see Harry before he’d gone though. He hoped Dennis was okay… Poor little Dennis, he was still small for his age. He remembered Dennis feverishly asking Colin if there was any way Dennis could ask Harry to the Yule Ball. He had said that Dennis was just too young for that. What was the point if they were all dying now? He should have just told Dennis to go for it and to ask out Harry to the ball. It would have made him so happy. Colin himself should have asked Susan Bones, but he was too much of a coward to try.
What was the point?
This strange sense of warmth was enveloping him. It was comforting. He closed his eyes, leaning his head back on the windowsill.
He didn’t have to force himself to breath anymore. Somewhere he could hear some one calling him. He felt a breeze blow and the sun beat down on his back. He looked up from the gardening he was doing out back, to spot Susan. She had a beautiful smile on her face, and their children clutched at her robes. She must have come back from the office early. He got to his feet, and greeted his wife with a quick kiss on the cheek.
He heard her telling him about Dennis and his husband coming over for dinner, as Colin threw their little Bathilda over his shoulder and ran with her all over the living room. It was full of laughs and fun here.
Colin spent that night his face obscured by his camera, constantly taking pictures of his family. They were growing so fast. He needed more pictures to remember them all so small. Bathilda had just gone through a growth spurt and was now three inches taller than she had been. Little Colin Jr. was still crawling, but soon he would be walking…
Colin reached over and took his wife’s hand over the dinner table. She thanked him for the amazing meal.
What should we do tomorrow? Would you like to take a walk in the garden? She asked, her eyes never wavering from him.
In Hogwarts, far away from the little farm he would never buy with the family he would never have, Colin quietly exhaled his last breath.
15 pts for Hufflepuff