Ficlet Challenge #115: All The Art The World Can Provide

May 16, 2016 22:51

Title: To See All The Art The World Can Provide
Summary: Luna and her father take a trip to Paris to soak in all the art they can.
Characters/Pairings: Luna, Xenophilius
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Myself
Word Count: 343
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: If you want
If yes, your Tumblr username: N/A

Luna was so excited! She was so surprised when her father surprised her with the, as he liked to call it, victory trip. He said it was to celebrate He Who Must Not Be Named finally being defeated, and there was calm in the world again, after all these decades.

Thinking back on that morning, a huge joy came over her.

She came down for breakfast that morning. She could feel something was different in the air. She thought it was because she could finally rest after two years of worrying about He Who Must Not Be Named but that was not it. She saw it on her father's face, the excitement and joy.
"Good morning, father" she said while she went to give him a hug. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Now, my Luna, breakfast can wait, come sit, I want to give you something" her father said with the biggest smile she has ever seen on his face.

When she sat, he placed a present in front of her.

"Open it. This is your present, for not only being my daughter, but for being the best thing in my life. But a present to celebrate that there is no more angst in the world together."

She opened it and there was many papers inside it. Tickets to go to Paris. Tickets to art museums. Flyers for art galleries. Flyers for art fairs that will be running when they will be in Paris.

"I know how much you love art. I thought since we need to celebrate, to do it with the best present I can give you, a tour of the finest art in Paris."

She gave him a hug and kissed him on his cheek. She ran upstairs to her bedroom to start planning.

Though it was a week away, she already gathered up her quill and ink for drawings and what clothes she'll wear in Paris.

Throughout the day, she couldn't stop daydreaming about all the art she would see in Paris.

Just one more week...just one....

Michelle/Hufflepuff/16 Points

character: luna lovegood, character: xenophilius lovegood, *challenge, form: ficlet, rating: g, genre: gen

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