[gen fic] [no challenge] Two Dentists and a Witch

Apr 07, 2016 20:04

Title: Two Dentists and a Witch
Summary: Mr. and Mrs. Granger raising a pre-Hogwarts Hermione.
Characters/Pairings: Hermione, Mrs. Granger, Mr. Granger
Genre: Gen
Beta: None :( (sorry)
Rating/Warnings: G, Mentions of bullying.
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 1014
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Mr. David and Mrs. Jean Granger were dentists, and were very proud of that fact. His friends thought he was insane when he was younger when David told them he wanted to be a dentist when he grew up. He remembered this, almost as if it had burned itself deep into his mind.

“You want to be a TOOTH YANKER?” His friend said, horrified. They were out on the playground, perhaps they were preschool age or maybe kindergarten, he couldn’t be sure anymore. David couldn’t remember the boy’s name either, just the look of horror. The friends around the boy laughed a little at the boy’s shocked round face.

David smiled, showing the huge gap in his teeth that braces would later fix. “Not a yanker, that’s silly. A dentist,” His friends made a shushed “oooh” noise. “I want to help people!”

This attitude drove David to the top, he attended the top dentistry school in the country. He wanted his own practice. He made a few friends here and there, but he mostly stayed away from dates that his friends would try to set him up on. “I’ll rest when I’m dead,” he would laugh, and then head off to the library to his usual study carrel.

One day his carrel was taken by what looked like a huge brown bush of what he could only assume to be hair. He cleared his throat awkwardly, and the huge brown bush of hair swiveled around to show the most beautiful woman David had ever seen.

“You’re, uh-,” He stammered as the girl’s dark brown eyes stared at him. She looked annoyed to have been interrupted. There was a huge diagram of a mouth in the textbook she was looking at, with each tooth individually labeled. “You’re in my Carl. Er- Carol-damn it.”

This incredibly smooth greeting was retold many times. From when he took Jean home to meet his parents, to his best man ribbing him gently during the toast at their wedding. He laughed more and more with each retelling. After their wedding, the Grangers settled down in a sleepy little suburb on the outskirts of London. Each house looked almost exactly the same as the other and they all had perfectly square houses, but best of all- only a fifteen minute commute to Granger Dentistry. There was almost a sense of relief in how orderly it all was.

It didn’t take too long for Jean to become pregnant. She liked to play Mozart softly at night. “It’ll help the baby,” she would insist after David complained about listening to the same song fifty times. “Some people say it’ll make the baby smarter!” The pregnancy was perfectly ordinary, which would officially be one of the last orderly things in their lives.

Hermione was born on a rather warm night in September. She was named after one of Jean’s favorite characters from a play. Though David and Jean could never admit it to themselves, it was almost like Hermione made the hospital have a black out! The night after she was born after desperately trying to soothe her, her cries got so loud and so desperate. Suddenly, all of the light bulbs above exploded. David, shocked, covered Hermione as much as he could as glass rained down upon him, his newborn daughter, and his sleeping wife.

Hermione grew up to be smarter than Jean and David could have ever hoped for. Perhaps the Mozart helped after all. She was headstrong, passionate, and had a strong curiosity about the world around her. Hermione adored puzzles and Jean couldn’t get enough puzzles to satisfy her daughter’s strong intellect. Jean often noticed that sometimes, the picture on the jigsaw puzzle may have changed.

“Did you get Hermione a Madonna puzzle?” she asked, confused as Hermione quickly worked on a jigsaw puzzle that was so clearly coming together to look like the pop star. David shook his head. “There’s no box for a Madonna puzzle, just the one that I got her yesterday-,”

“Oh I finished that one already!” Hermione said quickly. “I finished it so fast, and then I wished and wished and wished I had another and then…,” She trailed off, looking very pleased with herself. “The picture and puzzle changed, Mummy!” Jean thought she lost her mind.

Jean and David were called down to Hermione’s school when she was ten. Hermione had been bullied. Jean had arrived in a rush, horrified and looking around for her daughter. She wasn’t sure if she had been hurt or not. She found her daughter crying softly in the principal’s office.

“I’m sorry Mummy,” she sobbed as Jean wrapped her into a hug. Hermione's tears made Jean's sweater wet, but the mother didn't care. “I didn’t want to get into trouble- I tried to be good,” Jean rubbed her back and made soft shushing noises. It appeared that Hermione was getting bullied. She was different, the kids didn't trust her. When she was upset she made bad things happen, they said. These outbursts continued until she was eleven. Then, things started making a little bit more sense due to a very strange guest.

Minerva McGonagall showed up on August 1st. She turned into a cat and back again to prove that magic was real. Hermione was different because she was a witch.

David drove down to King's Cross with Jean by his side, and Hermione in the back seat. After finding a parking spot, he put the car in park and turned it off. They all sat in the back for a few moments, taking in what was about to happen.

"I'm proud of you, pumpkin." David said, quietly. "You do your best every day like Mummy and I know you will." Hermione leaned over and hugged them tight, a huge smile on her face. She had the same buck teeth as David did before his braces fixed the issue.

"I love you, Mummy and Daddy." With that, she threw herself out of the door and ran out to the station, excited to start her new life at Hogwarts.

Katie//Hufflepuff// 34 points

creator: sweetnessarose, character: hermione granger, genre: gen

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