Sugarquill SIGTAG Fic & Art Fest

Mar 31, 2016 14:12

Activity: Sugarquill's SIGTAG Fic & Art Fest
Points: 5pts/2.5kts per artwork/fic, max. of 30pts/15kts
Deadline: April 28 @ 5AM UTC (1AM EST)
Details: Hello and welcome to hh_sugarquill's SIGTAG Fic(Art)Fest!

Post a sigtag and other members will reply with either a fic or a piece of art inspired by it. If it's a non-Harry Potter fandom, the fic will need to be a cross-over with the HP Universe (so all pieces of art and fic will need to be somehow related to the Harry Potter fandom to count for points). It doesn't have to be a literal interpretation, but has to somehow relate back to the sigtag. If you think the relation might be unclear, feel free to specify what about the sigtag prompted the art/fic.

You get 5pts/2.5 knuts per fic/art, with the usual maximum of 30 points and 15 knuts.

+ No points will be awarded for sigtag prompts.
+ Sign every submission post with your name and house or I won't be able to award you your points!
+ Art must be more than a doodle to count for points (sketch, elaborated sketch, finished, etc) - Tumblr graphics and manips are allowed, too!
+ Fic must be at least 100 words long to count for points
+ You can give one prompt either a fic or art, not both (unless you want to do so out of the goodness of your heart and not for points).
+ Have fun! ♥

And of course, check out all the catalogs at hh_flourish for more sigtags to use as inspiration! This activity will last the month of April, so there's plenty of time to leave sigtags, write fic, and draw art!

I'm planning on updating the points for this throughout the month, so feel free to reference it for how many points you've earned!

!draboodlefest, !special term event

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