Title: Yule Ball Preparations
Summary: Hermione prepares for the Yule Ball.
Characters/Pairings: Viktor/Hermione (ish)
Genre: Gen
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Nah
- Pink and red and blue
So many colors to choose
Which one to shine in?
- Is pink too girly?
(Is girly bad? Why'd it be?)
Is it the right shade?
- What about dark red?
Or maybe a lighter shade?
Is it too lion?
- Periwinkle blue?
She'd never worn that before
Soft, but not too much
- She flutters between
And wonders exactly why
She's overthinking
- She just needs to pick
Any one of them will do!
Really, any one...
- She reaches out and
Her fingers stop just short of--
A few inches from
- It is just a dress
She reminds herself once more
It is just a ball
- It is just a dress
And it is just a ball, and--
(He is just a boy)
- She picks the blue dress
Decision made at long last
No going back now
- It's a soft fabric
The periwinkle blue sweet
Silk-smooth in her hands
- And it hugs her so
Smooth against her skin as she
Swishes skirt and frills
- And she giggles-- like
A teen girl in her first dance
Which is what she is
- And there's nothing wrong
With having fun like this-- right?
She can BE a girl
- (At least for one night)
So she takes a pleased breath and
Smoothens her skirt out
- She twirls one more time
Revels in the feeling of
Being just normal
- The next step, of course:
A bit more complicated
She tugs on a lock
- and chews on the end
Thoughtfully, wondering how
to tame her wild curls
- She tries a few spells
But none seem to work just right
Close to giving up--
- Her gaze lands to her
right where a potion bottle
says: Sleekeazy's
- She pours a dollop
And slicks it into her hair
Eyes shut tight, hoping
- When she opens them
She stops, stunned, disbelieving
Is that really her?
- Her hair follows her
every command, this time, not
tangling and frizzing
- When she's done, she thinks
She's unrecognizable--
Pretty. Beautiful.
- But when he sees her
His smile tells her he's always
Thought her beautiful.
Evyclaw//125 points for Ravenclaw!