Ficlet #37: photo prompt

Feb 09, 2016 10:12

Title: Birds & Bears & Batty Friends
Summary: Prompt Ficlet #37 (this image)
Characters/Pairings: Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood
Genre: Gen
Beta: n/a
Rating/Warnings: G, no warnings
Word Count: 425
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Ginny wasn't paying attention to where she was walking, one hand holding a book in front of her face ("Hermione isn't the only Gryffindor girl who knows how to read!") and taking a bite from an apple held in her other. It was springtime at Hogwarts, and the weather was finally warm enough to be wandering the grounds without varying layers of schoolclothes and Weasley jumpers.

Her name being called from her left startled her out of her reading reverie and she looked over.

"Erm. Hullo?" The sun was streaming over a brick wall and there was a long pair of legs with pristine white socks hanging down. The legs were attached to a short skirt, and a white sweater, and...Ginny jumped when she reached what should've been the face of a classmate and was instead greeted with a LARGE BEAR HEAD?

The head tittered.

"Sorry, Gin. I forgot I was wearing this." The bear head disappeared and Luna's long blonde hair was revealed.

Ginny still wasn't sure how to respond, curious about why her Ravenclaw friend was wearing such a strange costume.

"Luna, if you were trying to hide, you were doing a bizarre job of it."

"Oh, I wasn't trying to hide. I was trying to commune with nature -- get the feel of the land, put my mindset into that of some of the creatures that roam the Forbidden Forest." she responded dreamily.

It hadn't taken Ginny very long into their friendship to understand that there would be a lot she wouldn't understand about Luna, and she assumed this was just another one of those times.

"Right, of course. Did it help?"

Luna's blue eyes lit up with excitement and she leapt down from her perch on the wall, nearly twittering with glee.

"It did! I felt like a bird in the forest, flying amongst the trees and dodging branches and looking down upon the centaurs racing in their field and all the flowers were beautiful and I discovered from fruits -- oh but only in my mind because I hadn't actually moved from the wall -- oh Ginny, it was wonderful, I had such an adventure, and all before breakfast!"

That sounded familiar, and Ginny recalled a line from a wizarding book she'd read when she was younger. The author had tried to pass himself off as "normal" among Muggles, but everyone still thought he was an odd duck, with his land of wonder.

The redhead laughed, "Well, Luna, it seems we're all a little mad here," grinning cat-like at her friend. "What will your next adventure be? And can I come with you?"

Christa / Ravenclaw / 19 pts.

character: luna lovegood, creator: dontjudgeme, character: ginny weasley, form: ficlet, rating: g, genre: gen

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