Drabble Challenge #149: When in doubt, distract with candy

Jan 23, 2016 15:43

Title: When in doubt, distract with candy
Summary: Professor Lockhart is in the middle of a tale of a dark and stormy night
Characters/Pairings: Gilderoy Lockhart, Dean, Hermione probably
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 99
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: pemberlady

“...and so I was making way through the jungle when suddenly I was gored by a raging Erumpent-“
“Sorry, Professor, was this after you were shot by the crazed Leprechaun?”
“No, Dean, the Leprechaun was in Majorca,”
“Wasn’t the Selkie in Majorca?"
“Shouldn’t you have exploded, Professor Lockhart? The Erumpent horn is extremely volatile, I’m surprised you weren’t horribly-“
“Yes, thank you, shut up-I mean what excellent questions. Some Cauldron Cakes, perhaps? My own recipe. I'll tell you how I found the hidden spice of the Rakshasa, it was just after I rescued the Yeti Princess…”

I'm Dagmar, 8 points for Ravenclaw

*challenge, form: drabble, *tumblr allowed, rating: g, character: gilderoy lockhart, genre: gen

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