Fic: For This One Day (Harry/Hermione, No Challenge)

Jan 17, 2016 14:14

Title: For This One Day
Summary: He was the last person she expected to wake up in bed with. But the problem is, where do they go from here?
Pairing: Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Genre: Romance? Porn with a little plot?
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slight dub-con in one scene, lots of graphic sex, a few instances of bad words
Spoilers: None whatsoever. Definitely EWE.
Word count: 4,027
Author Note: Originally written for the hermione_smut 2015 fest. Original post can be found here. Based on the prompt: A party for (you decide the event, author) ends with Hermione waking up the next morning in a ritzy hotel bed next to the last person on earth she'd expected to fuck -- and she can't really remember what happened. They spend that whole new day and night in bed together, though, talking about it & them & others they know, having sex again and experimenting, and to her delight, it's the best day of her life! Thanks to Avi for the beta!

It felt like the best kind of dream, one that is so real you wake up almost feeling sated and full of pleasant aches.

4,027 words = 134pts for Puff!

creator: flipflop_diva, character: hermione granger, genre: romance, character: harry potter, form: fic, rating: nc-17

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