SQ Fall Delights Fic/Art Exchange Wrap-Up

Dec 30, 2015 02:20

banner by renrenren3
All of the gifts from the Fall Delights Fic/Art Exchange have been posted! Thank you so much to all of you generous, creative people!

What did everyone get?
cyn_ful received a fic from katshakespeare featuring Susan Bones & Theodore Nott: Check it out!
flipflop_diva received a fic from cyn_ful featuring Susan Bones and family & Hufflepuffs: Check it out!
flyingharmony received art from nearlyconscious featuring Narcissa Malfoy: Check it out!
katshakespeare received a fic from walkerfables featuring Remus Lupin/Sirius Black: Check it out!
nearlyconscious received a fic from flipflop_diva featuring Pansy/Daphne & Pansy/Hermione: Check it out!
walkerfables received a fic from flyingharmony featuring Narcissa/Lucius: Check it out!

!special term event

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