Gift for Kristine from Cyn!

Dec 19, 2015 23:23

To: Kristine/flipflop_diva
From: Cyn/cyn_ful
Title: Christmas Memories
Summary: Susan gets lost in her memories for Christmas
Characters/Pairings: Susan Bones and family, Hufflepuffs!
Genre: gen
Beta: The ever fabulous krissielee without whom my life would be dull and boring and I would know about comma splices and the exact reason as to why I did not need a comma between two words because … yeah. I couldn’t do it without her.
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: fic
Word Count: 3120
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: yes
If yes, your Tumblr username: super-cynful
A/N: Written for flipflop_diva. Sweetie, I do hope that you enjoy this fic. I tried to go for a bit of angsty/fluff, but I just don’t know if I got there or not. <3 <3 <3

Opened boxes littered the floor of the room. A thick green tree stood in front of the bay window covered in twinkling fairy lights blinking into the night sky outside. Susan sat in front of the fireplace on a yellow cushion as she went through the last box, humming to the strains of music coming from her wireless.

Running her fingers over the velvety softness of a red sock, she pulled it out of the box. She closed her eyes and breathed in the memories of the scent of cinnamon filling the air. She felt the warmth of Christmas past surround her as pictures of her father twirling her in the air around the tree filled her mind.

“Susie, baby, I got you present!”

“Did you, Daddy? What is it?” her five-year-old self exclaimed. She sucked in an exaggerated breath. “Can I have it now? Will Santa care?” Her body trembled with the anticipation of an early gift and fear that Santa may not come if she got one early.

His laughter filled the air. “Oh baby girl, you are so adorable. Come and see.” He pulled her towards the fireplace where a box was sitting. “Here you go, pumpkin.”

“Yay!” Susan sat down beside the box, bouncing in excitement. Taking the box from her father she opened it slowly, the red ribbon slipping to the floor as she lifted the lid. Pulling the tissue paper out, nestled inside was the softest reddest stocking she had ever seen. “Oh, Daddy,” she whispered in awe.

He smiled down at his daughter. “I think Santa just might appreciate you having this gift early. What do you think?” He chuckled as she lifted it out of the box.

She looked up at her daddy and jumped at him, knowing he would catch her. “Thank you, Daddy! Thank you! I love it. I love you!”

Holding her close for a hug, he squeezed and set her down. “How about we hang it by the fire? You know we need it there for you goodies on Christmas morning.”

Slipping out of the memory, Susan pulled the stocking out of the box. She stood up and hung it on the stocking hanger sitting over the fireplace. Her name was stitched along the top of the stocking. Susan sighed and sat back down.

She reached into the box again and pulled out an enchanted snow globe. She flipped it over and let the snow swirl over a miniature Hogsmeade village. She could hear the whispering behind her as she shook the box.

“Sweetheart, you don’t want to shake it yet.”

Susan shrugged her shoulders, “But, Mom, weren’t you the one that said we should always see if it rattles?”

Her father’s laughter filled the background as she faced her mother. She was leaning in the doorway, holding a steaming cup of tea. “I realize that now that you are thirteen, that maybe you should receive a few grown up presents. I really wouldn’t shake it up too much.”

Susan looked at the brightly wrapped package in her hands. She slipped her fingers under the edge of the paper, tearing the paper off slowly and neatly. It drove her father crazy when she unwrapped primly, but after the no shaking lesson it was a bit prudent. She opened the lid of the square box and pulled out a clear glass globe. “Mom?”

Her mother came and sat beside her. “Take it out of the box and sit it on the silver stand you have been eyeing for a week.”

Susan stood up and quickly ran to the table that only had a simple silver ring sitting on it. She had been questioning her mother endlessly on what it was. The only response was “a family heirloom.” Placing the glass on the ring, her breath caught.

There was a snowstorm of what looked to be real snow. It cleared to a snowy scene of Hogsmeade. “Wow, it is beautiful!” She turned to her parents and watched them.

Her father’s hands were on her mom’s shoulders squeezing them. They were gazing deeply into each other’s eyes. Susan felt the love that they had for each other and she rushed over to both of them throwing her arms around her mom. “Thank you!”

Her father came around to the other side of the couch and sat down beside them. He pulled her into his lap, and for once she didn’t protest that she was too old for it. “I got that for you mother for our first Christmas. It very nearly did not survive that year. I remember she very clearly tried to throw it back at me.”

Her mom laughed. “If it weren’t for Amelia saying that you really did buy that for me and not Imogene, it would have been broken into a thousand pieces.”

“Imogene? I still don’t understand how you think you could have thought I was remotely interested in her. I kept trying to ask you out from the time we were eleven. You finally said yes our seventh year. Our first date was in Hogsmeade.”

Her mother shrugged her shoulders. “Edgar was very convincing when he said that you were chasing her around the Quidditch pitch.”

“The Quidditch pitch, still?” He hugged Susan tighter as she listened to their easy banter. “How many times do I have to remind you that she had threatened to tell you that I planned on having that secret picnic with you in the third floor corridor under the windows overlooking the forest?”

“That was not a reason to chase her, really. Right, Susan?” Her mother winked at her.

“Yep, that is what you always tell me!” Susan grinned as her father tickled her.

He shook his head. “Susie, baby, you are supposed to be on my side.”

She glanced up at her father. “But, Daddy, it’s Mum that cooks dinner today. I want to eat later!”

Both of her parents laughed at that. “You do have a point baby. Do you think she will ever forgive me?”

Susan nodded her head. “Maybe. How come I haven’t seen this before?” She glanced at the ball again.

Her mother stood up and walked over to the globe. She lifted it and shook it again. “That would be because of me. When we got married, it was starting to get bad. Edgar and Camille had just died with the boys. I decided I would keep it boxed up and safe for my baby. I wanted to be able to tell you when you were old enough about decisions that you make that can change your life. Accepting this gift from your father changed my life. Within a few months, I knew we were supposed to be together always. I have always felt strongly about it.”

She walked over to the tree and picked up another present and handed it to Susan who clutched it to her body as she slid off her dad’s lap. “I could have easily have decided that Edgar was right and ignored your father. I did have a Slytherin boy that wanted to date me, but your dad convinced me he was the best one.” She leaned over and kissed him. “I love you.”

Susan wiped a tear from her eye as she picked up the silver ring and placed both the ball and ring together on the mantle. She would pass it on one day. Until then, she would still enjoy it and the memories that flooded her as she saw it. The one memory that stood out was that she needed to trust her heart and she may find love in the most unexpected of places.

She reached into the bottom of the box and pulled out the last item. The slim nutcracker was still in perfect condition. She ran her fingers over his rifle. It was a very Muggle item, but the wooden soldier meant the most to her. She stood up and placed it next to the snow globe.

“Susan, come here.”

Susan looked up from the book she had been reading. “Yes, Auntie?”

Her aunt motioned for her to come over to where she was hidden behind the tree. Presents had already been given, so it was surprising to be called to the tree. “Come sit by me, sweetie.”
Susan obeyed without question. At fifteen she was pushing boundaries, but never with her aunt. She was so no-nonsense that Susan knew better.

“I have a special present for you.” She handed over the long box.

“You already gave me this gorgeous necklace,” she said fingering the locket laying against her

Amelia nodded. “I know. That was for you as a young lady. You are growing up so beautifully. This is for the little girl that always ran to see me. This is for the woman you are becoming.”

Susan opened the box and smiled at the nutcracker that lay in the box. “It’s beautiful! Why couldn’t you just give it to me earlier? I don’t understand.” She picked the soldier out of the box and ran her fingers over the arms and legs, noting that it was made by a master.

Amelia put an arm around her and squeezed her. “Life is difficult sweetheart. Your parents live in their own world where they try to shut out all of the bad things. There isn’t anything wrong with it, but they want to keep you sheltered.”

Susan turned to face her aunt, sliding one leg up onto the couch. “What is it? Does this have anything to do with Umbit…um…Umbridge?”

Amelia laughed. “I shall pretend I didn’t hear this, Miss. I guess I should question, what all have you been learning in DADA this year?”

Susan turned red. She knew she couldn’t talk about the DA, but could she talk to her aunt about this? “She has us read the book. That is it. We aren’t allowed to practice.”

“This is what I was afraid of.” Amelia sat back and looked at her niece thoughtfully. “You are still friends with Harry Potter, right?”

“I would say so,” she said quietly. “We see each other and we don’t hate each other.”

“Susan, you know what my job entails. You know what I have to do. I want you to be able to follow in my footsteps if that is what you wish. I want you to always remember what is right and what is wrong and to always fight against what is wrong.”


“Listen to me. We all know that You-Know-Who is back. It is dangerous out there. He has targeted our family before.” She reached out and ran a finger down Susan’s face. “I don’t want it to hit you out of nowhere. He killed my brother in cold blood, and your cousins and aunt.” She smiled softly. “Edgar would have loved you. You have the side of your mother that he loved to tease. Then you have your father’s fairness. You are a good mixture. He would have adored you.”

“So, what should I do?”

“If you can practice, practice. I have seen some of the decrees that are coming from the Undersecretary. If for instance there is a group that is not formed by her standards; join it. If some of the rumours that I am hearing are true, then you will need it. In official capacity I have to stay out of it. I must follow the Minister, but I am always on the side of right. I will fight for it and I expect you to do the same. You are a Bones and so you are a target. Remember this every time you see your nutcracker. The Boneses will always fight for the side of good.

“Yes, Auntie. I will make you proud of me.” Susan smiled and hugged her aunt. “I promise to do as you have suggested, not that I know of any such secret club.” Her eyes twinkled. She managed to confirm her aunt’s suspicion and not reveal the DA at the same time.
Stepping back from the fireplace she looked at the memories they represented, the last one still stinging. She knew she was never able to tell her aunt that she was in the army, but she knew.

Just before she was taken, they had one last day together. One last day where her aunt was teaching her, giving her a list of spells to learn. It was a rushed day. Two days later she was gone. A tear rolled down her face. It still wasn’t easy.

Turning to face the room, she pulled her wand out of her pocket. It had been years since the final battle, but she still kept it with her at all times. She glanced at all the boxes with Christmas decorations in them. She waved her wand and watched the boxes close up and stack nicely by the door. She walked to the tree, so very like the tree her parents always had. She fingered one of the ornaments hanging and smiled. It was a picture.

“Smile, Susan. Come on, pretend like you are actually enjoying this outing!”

“Really, Ernie. I am having fun. It is freezing out here.”

He wrapped his arms around her tighter as they squeezed in closer to their other friends.

Hannah smirked at her, as if to say she always knew they would be perfect together. Zacharias had his arms around her, whispering in her ear. Justin stood center between the two couples with his arms around the girls.

“Come on, Colin. This is about as good as it gets,” he said with a wink.

The flash went off. “Alright, so all of you guys want a copy, right?”

“Yes,” Zacharias said haughtily. “I have already discussed this with you. This is my Christmas present to my friends. We all need a picture of us together!”

Susan rolled her eyes as she stepped out of Ernie’s arms. She would have bet that was a part of the package. She stepped over to Colin. “So are you just going to print out pictures or something?”

He nodded at her. “Yes, I have two ways to develop pictures. I’m going to do this one the wizarding way.”

“Thank you.” She glanced at him. “Have you ever made pictures into ornaments? My mother’s family does it all the time. Is there a way that I can do it with this picture?”

Colin’s eyes lit up. “Yes! I have made quite a few at the house. Mum loves them on the tree, but we have to put them on a special tree in another room. They’re Muggles so when their friends come over, they can’t see them.”

“I know the feeling!” Susan said with a laugh. “I think that is why we always go to visit my mom’s side of the family. We would have too much to hide if they came over.”

“Are you trying to steal my girl, Creevey?” Ernie said.

Susan turned to face him. “What if he was trying to steal your girl? What would you do about it? I’m not your girl and you may as well get that through your head now, Ernie.” She glared at the boy. “Thank you, Colin. I appreciate the effort!”

Susan turned and stormed off. She got behind a tree and looked at Hannah trying to console Ernie. She had told them all that she didn’t want to date anyone right now. If she were honest, the words of her aunt rang through her head all the time. She knew they were targets. Her aunt was gone now. She was not ready to be a target with someone else that could get hurt as well.

On the other hand, her mother was right, too. Her heart would know and it did. Ernie was not the one. She huffed as she felt a tear roll down her face.

“Hey, pretty girl, why the long face?”


He smirked. “Yeah. It’s me, or so they say.”

“Why are you here?”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. “Because you needed a friend.” He kissed the top of her head and just hugged her. “I’ll always be a friend.”

She leaned back as the arms came from behind her. “What are you doing?”

“Just remembering. Where have you been?” She turned in his arms.

He laughed. “I was just convincing your mother that we did not need to bring out the Muggle stuff for my family. They already know about magic.”

“But it’s going to be the first Christmas we are all here together, especially if this little one decides to come soon.”

He ran his hands over her extended belly. “Not much longer, but we still have a week to go. That is why we have to have the ‘formal’ dinner for my parents now. I’m just happy that your parents are letting us have it here.”

“They love to entertain about as much as your parents do, silly. I can’t believe they have all of this stuff still. So many memories in just a few objects.”

“So which is your favorite memory, then?” He leaned down and kissed her softly.

She looked deep into his eyes. “I would have to say it was the mistletoe that you kissed me under. You had just rushed into the house and saw me. I had just given little James back to Ginny. You grabbed me and kissed me. I never knew you had it in you.”

“What can I say? I had to convince you first that sometimes friends could become lovers.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, Justin. Thank you for being a friend first. It was what I needed.” She stood on her toes and kissed him.

cyn/slytherin/104 points

!special term event, creator: cyn_ful, character: hufflepuffs, genre: gen, form: fic, rating: pg, *tumblr allowed, character: susan bones

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