31 Days of October - October 8 - Ficlet: MWPP+L (No challenge)

Oct 08, 2015 20:11

Title: MWPP+L
Summary: Everyone has a pet, don't they?
Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Drabbles - 100 words each!
October Prompt: Familiar
Word Count: 500
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thank you.


When he was young, Remus wanted nothing more than a dog. He begged his parents, asking for a puppy, maybe a hound that could walk in the woods with him, protect him from things lurking in the shadows. Floppy ears and wet nose, the best friend that Remus yearned for. But the timing never worked out. Remus's parents planned to adopt a puppy from a neighboring farm, surprise Remus with it for his birthday. Before it could come to fruition, Remus was bit, and he had no need for a dog of his own. He was his own wolf instead.


On Lily's first trip to Diagon Alley, she fell in love with a barn owl with orbed yellow eyes that watched her, unblinking, through the shop window. With so many other things to buy, she didn't ask for it. As she,her parents, and Petunia enjoyed scoops of ice cream with unimaginable flavors, Petunia pointed out that the school list said Lily was permitted to bring an owl, a cat, or a toad, to school. "Who would want a toad or an owl as a pet? Obviously you'd take a cat." But Lily shrugged, her eyes drifting to the owl.


Peter had an overwhelmingly fat gray tabby cat called Louie that his mother picked up at a stray animal shelter and dropped in Peter's lap. Louie liked Peter well enough but what he really liked most of all was food. Cheese, bangers, mash, chicken, sweets, pudding -- it didn't matter what it was, Louie ate it. He grew and grew. Once, shortly after Peter became Wormtail, Louie thought that Wormtail was his food, and he tried to eat Peter, so at Christmastime that year, Peter left Louie with his mother, who had no qualms about continuing to fatten the cat up.


A great-horned owl names Arthur (much to his mother's displeasure, naming a familiar after a muggle king). Two tuxedo kittens named One and Two (that his father insisted had to live outside in the garden and not in the house). A toad that lasted three days before it leapt to its death out the fourth floor window, unnamed. A raven called Caw (Sirius is ever so creative with his naming of things) that was more a nuisance than a pet. Finally, a shaggy, pad-footed black dog that Regulus said followed him home one day, only to disappear the next morning.


James could have had any familiar he wanted, all he had to do was ask, but he worried that two things would happen if he did. One, his father might use it for his hair product "experiments" (though it would be nice, James mused, not to be the subject himself, for once). Or two, that the attention James so craved as an only child, might fall away, that he might have to compete for a pet. Years later, James said that Wormtail and Padfoot and Moony were all he needed, and that he couldn't imagine anything better as a familiar.

Sarah / Gryffindor / 17 points

character: remus lupin, character: lily (evans) potter, form: drabble, character: sirius black, genre: gen, rating: pg, character: peter pettigrew, 31 days of oct, creator: katshakespeare, character: james potter

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