Drabble | Prompt #49 | Dolores Umbridge is looking for members for her new Inquisatorial Squad.

Aug 02, 2015 14:18

Title: You can't do that here
Summary: Dolores has decided the best way to catch students misbehaving is to have other students watch them. And Minerva is not having it.
Characters/Pairings: Dolores Umbridge, Minerva McGonagall
Genre: Drama-ish
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 244
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: slythertrin

Minerva McGonagall scanned the newest notice pinned to the wall, her eyes narrowing as a scowl appeared on her face. That Umbridge woman had to be the most insulting creature she had ever had the misfortune of knowing. First she managed to get herself appointed the "High Inquisitor", and now this?

With an annoyed huff, Minerva ripped the parchment from the wall, crumpling it in her hand as she did so. "I sure wish Dumbledore was here" she murmured softly, "He would know how best to handle her".


Minerva's spine straightened as she heard the unmistakable sound of that - that evil toad behind her. Turning, she fixed what she hoped was a pleasant smile on her face. "May I help you with something Dolores?"

"I was merely wondering - Professor McGonagall - why it appears you have taken my notice from the wall. However will I find student interested in helping me if they do not know the positions are open?"

"Well that's just it Dolores, you won't be using students to act as your personal spies in this castle. I won't stand for it! And I shall tear down every notice I see concerning the matter!"

"Will you know?" Dolores asked with her sugary sweet voice. "Well, we'll just see what the Minister of Magic has to say about that won't we?"

Without another word, Dolores turned on her heel and started back in the direction of her office, leaving McGonagall to stare after her.

Trin of Slytherin / 13 points

character: minerva mcgonagall, form: drabble, creator: belladiavolo, rating: g, character: dolores umbridge, genre: gen

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