Fic- No challenge: Lily from the inside out

Jun 30, 2015 00:09

Title: Lily from the inside out
Summary: Lily's emotions seem to be in constant disagreement about one James Potter.
Characters/Pairings: James Potter/Lily Evans
Genre: Humor (attempt?)
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 1472
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Yes.
If yes, your Tumblr username: thewriterandthewitch

From the writer that watched INSIDE OUT and was inspired to write the weirdest fic she has created in a long time- and it has two colors! Enjoy!


The endless range of Lily’s emotions always takes coverage in a figurative place unknown to healers and psychologists - a place called The Headquarters. Such a name would suggest that the exact location is inside Lily’s head, but that is quite a vague statement in the same fashion that knowing Hogwarts is in Scotland doesn’t reveal the specific coordinates of the Witchcraft and Wizardry School.  But the location doesn’t matter, what matters is the inhabitants of this place:

Joy, Sadness, Rage, Fear, Disgust--- and other more complicated emotions that joined them after Lily hit puberty, but that for the sake of simplicity will be ignored in the narration of this story.

And Lily Evans herself- she matters, even when she still doesn’t understand the important role she’ll play in the current war and in the eventual salvation of the magic world. Truth is, right now, she’s only sixteen years old and considers herself quite ordinary. There’s actually something quite unordinary about her- Besides her magic, her red hair and her short-fuse temper- and that’s the fact that her emotions seem to be in constant disagreement about one James Potter.

Oh, James Potter- in Lily’s opinion, he’s is personified chaos. If that’s a good or a bad thing, she isn’t sure yet.

Joy jumps in front of the Headquarters’ control, unable to contain her excitement - and why would she? She’s joy, after all- and looks up at the window from where she can see the King Cross Station buzzing with students and parents. The window is actually Lily’s eyes- or something like that- from where the group of emotions can see the exterior world and every happening in Lily’s life. Now, Joy’s in control because Lily’s feeling thrilled about the beginning of a new year. Although, Fear doesn’t agree.

“Joy…” he starts with the hesitance that only comes with an irrational fear “I think you should let me drive for a moment”
Joy stops smiling suddenly and looks at Fear with a frown- Lily herself stops moving and looks at the train with indecision.

“What? That doesn’t make sense. Lily feels happy, more than that, she feels elated. New year! She’s going to be back in Hogwarts with her friends. Lily loves school. Why would she feel fear now?” Joy asks.

“Well… it’s not a vis…visceral fear, more like an irrational and indecisive one” Fear tries to explain. He sighs and explains further “Well, Severus called her… “you-know-what” last year and some months later, before taking the train to go back home, Potter promised her he was going to stop pursuing her after Lily insulted him.”

They all nod at the same time, remembering that uncomfortable situation and how they all tried to fill Lily with their own brand of emotion, which ended up with a really confused Lily that didn’t understand what she was really feeling.

“How’s that bad? He’s finally leaving her alone!” Rage exclaims suddenly. As Lily herself, he has never been a fan of James Potter.

“She was very harsh and that makes me sad” Sadness comments with a low voice “It makes her feel sad, too, and guilty”

“Everything is going to be different now and different is always scary!” Fear adds in a restrained panic.

Joy shakes her head “I know what happened, I was there with all of you! Remember? But… I am sure everything will be alright” Joy exclaims, then she suddenly screams with a renovated optimism “Look, James is there!”

“Potter” Rage corrects her. They all look at the omniscient window. Lily is entering the train and her eyes find James Potter in the other side of the hall, waiting for his friends to open the door of their regular compartment. James looks in Lily’s direction and for a moment, they hold their stares…

Joy bends over the controls with a big smile and dreamy eyes “See? Now, he’ll ask her to go to Hogsmeade…”

“…and she’ll reject him with a witty comeback...” Rage says, proudly.

“…and everything will be back to normal…” Fear comments.

“…but what happens if he doesn’t?” Sadness asks, worried. All of them look at Sadness with disappointment; they aren’t in need of her negativism now. Suddenly, a cough interrupts their silent reprimand and they look at Disgust, who has been silent until now and looks completely indifferent to their discussion.

“Do you think they will have bat pie in the great feast, again? I hope not, I hate bat pie” Disgust says with… well, pure disgust.

“Disgust! Aren’t you moved by this…?” Joy exclaims pointing at the window but in that precise moment, James looks away and comes into the compartment, ignoring Lily “Oh, no” exclaims Joy.

“He doesn’t love Lily anymore, he has forgotten her” Sadness says.

“Well, that was very rude of him!” Rage screams.

“I knew this was going to happen, I knew it” Fear says, biting his nails.

“Guys! No time to panic, I’m sure he was just… distracted. Yeah, that’s it” Joy says and the she hits the air with her hand “ and… anyway, we still have our friends…”

“You mean Severus Snape?” Sadness asks, shaking her head “…who’s probably going to join the same group of people that want to kill muggle borns like Lily?”

Joy frowns “New rule, guys: We don’t talk about Severus Snape ever again” She orders them with authority “and I meant Marlene and Mary, they’re really good friends and Lily enjoys hanging out with them”

Joy looks at her friends with a hopeful smile and one by one they nod, finally agreeing on something. Well, not all of them. When Joy looks at the spot that Sadness was occupying seconds ago, she realizes it’s empty. Turning fast on her feet, she finds Sadness’ familiar figure bending over the control keys.

“Sadness! What are you doing?” Joy asks alarmed.

Sadness pushes one red button before looking up at Joy “Well, you can’t deny it’s my turn to make her…”

“To make her sad?” Joy asks in a whisper.

Sadness lowers her face “I’m sorry, Joy”

Joy sighs, resigned “It’s not your fault, Sadness, you’re only doing your work”

“No! It is Potter’s fault!” Rage shouts, raising his closed fist.

Lily tries to ignore the uncomfortable sensation of her stomach and forces a smile, trying to convince herself that she’s relieved with James’ new attitude. She turns around and looks through the crystal of every compartment until she finds the one occupied by Marlene McKinnon and Mary Macdonald, her two best friends. After greeting them and conversing about their respective summer, Lily breaks the silence:

“Good news, girls” she mutters, forcing a bright smile “It seems like Potter will honor his word and will stop asking me out every five minutes”

Surprisingly, they don’t seem surprised about the news.

“Lily, rejoice because it’s obvious he won’t ask you out for a long time…”

Mary frowns “A long time? That’s being very optimistic” Mary shakes her head “I’m sure he will be back to being single and following Lily around in three months tops”

“Single? What do you mean…? Do you mean he’s not single now?” Lily asks, stuttering with the unwelcome surprise. A nervous laugh escapes her lips “When did that happen?”

“During the summer…” Mary answers, shrugging “They saw each other in one of James’ mother parties and they talked and bonded, I guess”

Marlene snorts “Bonded? More like snogging”

Mary smiles “And isn’t that how most love stories begin? With a little bit of snogging?”

Lily is rendered speechless and tries to regain her composure and her voice “Who… who is she?”

Mary and Marlene look at Lily with unconcealed interest and it’s Mary who answers her with the name of a pretty Ravenclaw girl of their same year.

“WHAT? She?” Disgust exclaims from the Headquarters while she wrinkles her nose “But why? She is…. beautiful and intelligent” she says in the same way she would list horrible flaws.

Sadness tries to suppress her tears while she falls over the control machine in a melodramatic gesture, pressing a lot of buttons with her round body. Fear bits his inferior lip and starts moving a hand crank distractedly.

Joy looks at Rage. They both feel out of place because their emotions are useless with the unexpected news of Potter’s relationship. Joy nods with determination:

“Well, it seems like it will be a interesting year…” She says but getting back her natural cheerness, Joy adds “and I’m sure it’ll be alright”

Lily bits her lips, trying to hide her inexplicable feelings that are too similar to sadness and fear for her comfort. She smiles once again, but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes “Well, I hope they’re very happy for more than three months”

“I give them two weeks” Rage suddenly says, breaking the silence in the Headquarters.


creator: carola_d, character: lily (evans) potter, genre: humor, character: james potter, form: fic

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