Drabble Challenge #34

Mar 21, 2007 12:24

Summary: Professor Sprout ponders her job//laundry day
Character List: Professor Sprout, some Mandrakes, mention of Filchy
Pairings: Filch + Clean Floors
Genre: fluffy drabbly
Word Count: 108
Warnings: Poorly written!

Professor Sprout looked down at her black teaching robes. She couldn't remember a time when they were quite this dirty. The Mandrakes were simply not happy being shoved down into their new pots - they gave up one helluva fight. She knew it was worth it though; the petrified students would soon be up and walking around again of their own accord. The Mandrakes had started becoming rather reclusive - a sign they were nearing puberty. Being the Herbology professor at Hogwarts had its ups and downs. This much laundry was definitely a down, not to mention Filch's extreme displeasure with the muddy footprints in the Great Hall.


creator: jackie

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