Term XXXI Sugarquill Spring Fling

Mar 07, 2015 17:54

Banner by renrenren3

The masses have spoken and your first choice was Option #3: Regular Termly Fanwork Exchange!
So we'll consider this Term XXXI Sugarquill Spring Fling!

How this will work:
As always instead of just assigning gifts and having everyone post whenever, all completed gifts are going to be e-mailed to the mod account (sugarquillmods@gmail.com) by 11:59p UTC Sunday, April 5. Once this deadline has passed, pinch hits will go out immediately. Pinch hitters will have one week to write fics or produce art (until April 12).

On April 12, all the gifts will be posted to the comm - I will be scheduling all these posts so the sooner you get your story in, the better. If you write a fic that is more than 3,750 words, it will post before 11:59p UTC so it will carry over from one week into two. If it's 3,750 words or less, it will post after 11:59p UTC so it will go toward that weeks points. (If you're going to write more than 7,500 words, please drop me a line, so we can figure something out! If you end up pinch hitting for art and the points will be more than 125, we'll also make sure we split it so you get all your points.)

If you drop out or go MIA or otherwise bail on your gift, you won't get your own present. Your present will be posted as a gift to the community. Obviously, we know that real life sometimes gets in the way and you can't always help it, but we want to try and reward people who do get their gifts in.

There are no extra points for the gift exchange, but participants will get a special shiny, and you get the fun in giving a gift to others and receiving one yourself.

As for requirements,
Fic: Needs to be 750+ words
Art: Finished quality

Signups close: 11:59p UTC Sunday, March 15
Assignments out: By 11:59p UTC Tuesday, March 17
Gifts due to the mod email: 11:59p UTC Sunday, April 5
Pinch-hits out: 11:59a UTC Monday, April 6
Pinch hits due: 11:59a UTC Sunday, April 12
Gifts posted: Just before or just after 11:59p UTC Sunday, April 12

To sign up!
If you'd like to participate, simply fill out the form below - TL;DR is always good here, the more information, the easier we can match you guys, so ramble, ramble, ramble! (Don't forget this is a strictly Harry Potter-themed exchange!)


Fic or Art?
Characters/Pairings you'd like to receive:
Situations, genres, kinks, squicks etc. that you would like to see:
Characters/pairings you DO NOT want to receive:
Situations, genres, kinks, squicks etc. that you WOULD NOT like to see:
Desired Rating of your Gift (G to NC-17 or no preference):
Prompts (Optional):

Fic or Art?
Highest Rating you're willing to write/draw:
Characters or pairings you would be comfortable writing/drawing:
Situations, genres, kinks etc. that you would like to write/draw:
Characters or pairings you're NOT comfortable writing/drawing:
Situations, genres, kinks etc. that you would NOT like to write/draw:

Would you be willing to pinch hit (and earn your mod's eternal love and glory), if necessary?

I'll have an official post for pinch hitters once we get close to the gift deadline, but if you know now you would like to pinch hit, please feel free to let me know.

A few little sidenotes:
* This is my first time Modding a gift exchange so please bear with me if there are mistakes along the way :)
* This was copy/pasted from the last exchange so if something looks off just let me know.

Any questions just let me know! Comments are screened.

Signups end at 11:59p UTC on Sunday, March 15!

!special term event

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