Title: At a friend's wedding
Summary: Neville is getting married, and Harry reconnect with a crush he had
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Luna implied, very light Ron/Hermione can be seen, but it can be easily unseen
Genre: romance
Beta: nope
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: fanfiction
Word Count: 477
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: tiramisu-misu
As Neville and Hannah became husband and wife, tying their live together forever, Harry felt like the universe was trying to rub his face in his own celibacy. It had nothing to do with Neville, who more than deserved love, it was just something egoistical, all about him, Harry Potter, also known as Bachelor number 3 by his friends.
He wondered if he would be promoted to Bachelor number 2 now that Neville was out of that race. It was a sad race to be in, but you got used to almost everything.
When the newlyweds broke apart, Harry applauded them, and even yelled a few congratulatory words. Hermione and Ron were next to him, the Golden Trio reunited for this occasion.
With his friends, Harry went under the tent where Neville’s granny was sitting on a chair which looked suspiciously like a throne. He chuckled then went to get some food.
He grabbed a plate, and was wondering what to pick when he heard:
“Hello Harry.”
He knew this voice like he knew his own.
“Luna,” He said, wondering what more he could say.
It didn’t matter how old he would get, she would always leave him feeling like a teenager, awkward and self-conscious.
“How are you doing?”
“I’m good, how are you?”
“Good, great even. Hermione told me you had decided to go in business with your father at the Quibbler?”
“I never really thought of doing anything else,” she said with a dreamy smile.
They started filling their plate in silence, and he wondered what he could say.
He saw Hermione and Ron, already seated somewhere with a few of their old Gryffindor friends, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to go join them, no matter how much he loved them.
“Have you heard about the magnifying skrewts?” Luna asked.
“I don’t think so. I know your average skrewts and that’s it.”
“Do you want to hear about them? I’m going to write an editorial about them for our next edition,” she said, and he thought she was feeling shy, though this didn’t seem like something Luna could feel.
She was the less self-conscious people he had even encountered, something that had always left him in awe, because of the confidence she always displayed, when the rest of them were struggling to find who they were.
“I’d love to hear about them,” He said, and she smiled.
He followed her to a table for two, sitting next to her. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Ron wink at him. Harry blushed the focused on the lovely lady next to him. He would have to thank Neville again for inviting him as he was playing cupid unbeknownst to him. Luna smiled again, and Neville was the furthest thing from Harry’s mind. She was all he could see and all he wanted to see.
Ash/Slytherin/ 477/30 = 16 points