Gift Exchange Fic for Bella

Dec 28, 2014 18:50

To: Bella | nicevenn
From: Crystal | bluemermaid
Title: A Gift from the Fire (As the World is Crashing Down)
Summary: "Oi, Reg, I bet I give you the best Christmas present you ever received in your life."
Characters/Pairings: James/Regulus
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 1,820
Author's Notes: Happy Christmas; I hope you enjoy this gift! :)

Regulus was trying to study but James was being an absolute arse, as usual. "Oi, Reg, I bet I give you the best Christmas present you ever received in your life."

He looked up at Potter as though he had suddenly gone mad. "Is that a serious statement."

"Oh, very much so." James was grinning as though he'd just caught a Snitch. "I pride myself on my gift-giving skills. You'll be blown away. If you know what I mean." He winked.

"You're disgusting," Regulus snapped, feeling his face go red. He looked around him. The two of them were alone on the grounds, for it was far too freezing for anyone else to come outside. Snowflakes drifted around their feet, blown into whirlwinds of white by the winter wind. Still, Reg felt far too exposed. He tried not to be seen around James Potter, for about a million different reasons. "Please do not speak to me like that. It cheapens my reasons for being with you. It makes me feel vulgar."

"Well, that's probably because you are vulgar, mate." James pushed him up against the tree and pressed his body hard against him, making Regulus feel hot and ashamed at the same time. The bitter cold wind contrasted so sharply with James's hot breath on his neck.

Regulus squirmed in his grasp. "Remove yourself," he hissed. "Before somebody sees."

"Oh, fuck them," James replied with a scoff. Then he grinned mischeviously. "Fuck me instead." He kissed Reg then, all hard lips and teeth, rough hands shoved haphazardly beneath robes. Regulus tried to struggle but it was always so useless; he could never fight against Potter's kisses, would forever find himself melting into that fire.

James would never understand; it was all fine and good for Gryffindor rebels to do whatever they liked, snogging the enemies of their best mates out in the open for anyone to see. But it was another thing entirely for Slytherins, and especially for Regulus Black, who felt permanently as though he had a boulder strapped to his back, the weight of simply being who he was supposed to be. There was already one Potter-loving traitor in the family.

"Not here," he managed finally, pushing James away from him, looking at him hard with panic in his eyes. "I'm sorry, James. But not here."

Something went dark in James's gaze. "Yeah, all right," he said finally, stepping back and ruffling his hair. He looked off toward the castle for a moment; when he turned his head again he had his old familiar smirk fixed back into place. "When I win my bet then, yeah? You'll be dying to thank me for your gift."

"As you wish," Reg replied, feeling silly. What sort of a gift could James Potter give to him, of all people? He fully expected to be mortified and offended. The boy was a Marauder, after all; he'd taught Sirius all sorts of horrible things. Regulus felt the familiar twist in his stomach that came with thoughts of Sirius. If he knew what his brother and best mate were up to.... Reg took a deep breath. "If I am truly touched, I will reward you appropriately." He couldn't help a sudden smirk of his own.

James put his hands over his heart and pretended to swoon, stumbling backwards. "Oh, you will regret saying those words, Black." He laughed, running backwards towards the castle with his arms spread wide. "But I certainly, certainly won't!"

Regulus shook his head and went back to his book, though he found it nearly impossible to take in the words now. He wondered, not for the first time, what exactly he saw in James. He wasn't supposed to be attracted to immaturity, to silliness, to blood traitors. But perhaps that was exactly the appeal. Or perhaps it was the arrogance; perhaps he secretly found that adorable. He allowed himself a smile before turning the page and attempting to read again.


Christmas dawned far too quickly, and Regulus found himself staying at the castle for the holiday. It was rare, indeed, not to return home to his parents whenever he could, but lately he found it difficult to face the two of them. His loyalties had drifted slightly over the past few months.

Waking early, he sat in his bed and looked around him. Slytherin house was dim and forbidding, richly decorated with deep greens and silver. It was an insular house, one in which members did not betray one another, or the general beliefs of the whole. In these dark days, this meant supporting the rise of the Dark Lord, even if one did not directly join the ranks. Regulus, however, had been seriously considering taking the Dark Mark he had so often heard whispers of. It would make his family so proud - and after Sirius had moved out the previous summer, Regulus felt the pressure more than ever to do right by his family.

But then, James. Reg felt his heart throb as though he'd been stabbed, whenever he thought about his family and James in the same breath. James who had lured Sirius away, James who believed in all the things his parents hated, James who had smiled so alluringly at Regulus, who had seduced and confused him.

It would never last between them; James would join the side of light while Reg remained within the shadows. They were as two sides of a coin, both struggling to do what they felt was right. But they were on opposing sides, and they could not deny that forever. No matter how badly James begged, Regulus could not walk away from his destiny. It was a tenet of Slytherin house, and of the noble line of the Blacks. One did not betray his family.

Christmas, a time of joy and laughter, sharing gifts and food and happiness. Regulus scoffed at Christmas. Things got darker by the year and it got more and more difficult to muster up any amount of Christmas spirit. As he wandered down to the common room, he found himself envying the younger students, who were still so innocent, too naïve to realize what was going on outside the safety of Hogwarts. The world was crashing down.

And yet Reg had stayed. Reg had stayed at Hogwarts despite what was expected of him, because of James. He had been promised the best gift of his life, after all, and he was finding it easier and easier to give in to whatever James wanted. He could see why Sirius had been led so astray.

Coming into the Great Hall, Regulus was taken aback by the extent of the decorations, as well as the amount of students who had not gone home. The room was more full than he would have imagined. Worst of all, his own brother was there, steadfastly ignoring him as he did nowadays. James caught Reg's eye as he entered and grinned, nudging Sirius beside him, but the elder Black said and did nothing, simply continued talking to Lupin as though nothing had happened. Regulus felt his stomach twist but turned away.

He ate his Christmas dinner alone, feeling foolish for having stayed. He ought to have gone home to his family, spent the day with them to reassure them that they had one faithful son. Instead Reg sat with his entire body burning, just knowing they were so close to him and still so far away.

But not too far. James caught him just after, grabbed his arm as he was leaving and yanked him round a corner. "Happy Christmas, Reggie," he said, grinning. "Ready to let me win our little bet?"

"I made no serious bet," Regulus replied, "but I'll take whatever ridiculous gift you've made me." He couldn't help but smile.

James produced a tiny box and handed it over, ruffling his hair with his other hand. "Open it quickly, I can't stand waiting," he said.

For that, Reg took his time on purpose, feeling a jittery excitement just watching James twitch. The box was plain and white, but when he opened it he revealed a glittering silver chain, with an ornate locket hanging from it. "Jewelry, James? Are you sure this one wasn't meant for Evans?"

James laughed and pulled a face. "Don't pretend you aren't interested. Open the clasp."

Regulus did, and felt a rush of warmth crash over him from head to toe; his entire body tingled. Inside the locket was a photograph of James and Sirius, both smiling out as though they couldn't be happier than to be worn around Regulus Black's neck, close to his heart. He looked up at James, feeling his mouth gape open as he struggled to find the proper words to say. "Why would you do this?" he asked finally, his voice low and reverent.

James had a sort of smile on his face that was unlike any sort of smile he had ever worn before. Nothing like his usual devious grin or sardonic smirk, it was a genuine smile, one of happiness and affection. "To remind you, Reg. Of where you ought to be."

"He's never going to be on my side again," Regulus said quietly, bitterly, looking down at the picture of his brother. He had idolized Sirius once; that was before he'd been old enough to understand him.

"Maybe not, but you could be on his," James told him. He touched Reg then, put his fingers on the other boy's chin and lifted his head, looked him in the eyes.

"What do you see in me?" Regulus asked, truly wondering. To his parents he was a dutiful son; to Slytherin house he was a devoted soldier. Reg didn't know what he was to himself, and he especially did not know who he was for James Potter, a person who should by all accounts loathe the very sight of him.

"You've got a brave heart, Reggie. I know somewhere in there, you want to do the right thing. You just have to figure out what it is." James was still smiling at him, and Regulus felt as though he were slowly melting. "Plus, you've got an incredibly fit Seeker's body. And your kisses are blistering." Reg rolled his eyes, sending James into a fit of laughter. "What do you say, though, eh? Have I earned my reward for best Christmas gift ever?"

Regulus couldn't help it; he laughed back. "All right," he said, eyes narrowing with mischief. "But it'll have to be quick, lest my brother begin to suspect where you've gone off to."

"Sirius is about to be knee-deep in Christmas pudding," James told him. "He won't even know I've gone at all. We have all evening if we wish it. I'll take as much reward as I can get." He smirked.

"Don't tempt me," Regulus replied, fastening the locket around his neck as they slipped away together.

Crystal/Hufflepuff/61 Points

character: regulus black, genre: angst, creator: bluemermaid, rating: pg-13, genre: romance, character: james potter, form: fic

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