Ficlet challenge #101: Negotiations

Nov 22, 2014 19:04

Title: Negotiations
Summary: The first night after Quirinus's possession presents a new challenge. (Written in response to "Part of Your World".)
Characters/Pairings: Quirinus Quirrell, Voldemort
Genre: General, with a touch of humor
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 661
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: N/A


My eyes snapped open.

What are you doing?

I blinked blearily. Going to sleep, master. Is something wrong?

Think, little squirrel. Where is your head?

It took me a moment to realize the question wasn't metaphorical. I sat up abruptly, still groggy from the aftereffects of passing out several times earlier. My apologies. I suppose it isn't pleasant to have your nose and mouth mashed into a pillow.


The breath rushing to the back of my head made my vision swim again. I swayed on the bed.

Don't pass out, Quirinus. You'd only stifle me yet again in this position.

Giddiness overwhelmed my better judgment. But you don't need to breathe, master. How could you be stifled? My lungs breathe for us both--

Rage roared through me, making my diaphragm spasm and choking my words off.

Master...please. Isn't this counterproductive? My vision was narrowing to a tunnel as I struggled to inhale.

The rage clicked off like a switch, replaced by dry amusement. Yes, it is.

I took a gasping breath with suddenly unimpeded lungs, fighting to remain upright. I need sleep.

I don't. His irritation rippled under my skin.

I blinked hard, my thoughts scrambling for purchase. The effects of sleep deprivation on the body aren't pretty, master. Detrimental to us both at this point.

His consideration hummed through us. Your point is made, Quirinus. You will sleep with your head turned to the side.

Done. I dropped back down, curled on my side, exhaustion overtaking me after my adrenaline rush.

And little squirrel?


"Don't toss and turn."

The breath rushing to the back of my head caused a parasympathetic nervous response that shut my consciousness off like a light.

Wake up, Quirinus.

Consciousness came like a whipcrack. Master?

You were snoring.

I...what? I don't snore.

And I tell you that you do.

Logic flowed sluggishly. It must be the new sleeping position. I paused, considering what I knew about the mechanics of snoring. Could you redirect my breath while I sleep?

I felt him raise a sardonic eyebrow. Which I do by speaking. Shall I carry on a monologue while you sleep? Nagini might be mildly entertained.

I repressed a tingle of shared sensation, but couldn't stop an errant thought. Er, what have you been doing while I sleep?

Being deafened primarily.

Embarrassment prickled at me. Don't you hear through my ears at this point, master? I can't hear myself snore.

If you were conscious, you'd be deafened as well.

Now, that was fascinating. The implications for the role of shifting consciousness in lower-level perception...though I suppose our situation was rather unique, and unlikely to be replicable. You just didn't find two beings sharing neurological structures for very long. Or at least none that would admit to it.

Such a nimble mind. I do enjoy that about you, Quirinus. His pleasure rushed through me in pulsing waves. You wouldn't believe half the things I've learned about consciousness, shared and otherwise.

Utterly tantalizing. I took a quick breath. Try me, master.

Later, eager squirrel. This body needs sleep. Without orchestral accompaniment.

Did you have something in mind?

I did, in fact.

A thrumming call to Nagini resonated through my brain and bones. The familiar bond we shared afforded me sudden, dual perception of slithering along the floor even as I watched from my bed. That colliding visual was enough to overwhelm the sensation of Nagini coiling around my torso.

I'm sure you'll enjoy your new bedtime companion.

I strained to take a deep breath and failed. How will this help, master?

If you start snoring again, she'll jostle you.

By throttling me?

Think of it as a friendly embrace.

I managed an unhurried breath, and then another. I was nothing if not adaptable at this point. Won't this be somewhat conspicuous if someone ever comes into my chamber while I'm asleep?

In a way that my visage in the back of your head wouldn't be?

It was an excellent point. I'll make sure the locking wards are strengthened on the entrance. And the blanket covers me.

Indeed. Now sleep. I can feel the deterioration of your conscious thoughts already.

And so, with Nagini coiled around me like a muscular security blanket, I dropped back into oblivion.

27 points

character: quirinus quirrell, *challenge, character: voldemort/tom riddle, genre: humor, creator: jalenstrix, genre: gen, rating: pg, form: ficlet, *tumblr allowed

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