Title: For Love And Duty
flyingharmonyPairing: Narcissa/Lucius
Type: Het
Prompt #: #11
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1736
Warnings/content: Mentions of miscarriage, general thoughts about pregnancy
Summary: In a society where a wife's worth is based on only one thing, Narcissa Malfoy must prove herself.
Notes: Written fo r
fortheloveofhp's Round Two: For The Love Of Narcissa. Lots of thanks to
heartsignite for the fantastically quick beta work and the title/summary help!
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters/references are property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement is intended.
For Love And Duty 1736/30 = 57,9 = 58
- 3 points for maxing out
= 55 points for Hufflepuff!