Houses of Hogwarts Fest FIC: Looking Back (G)

Aug 26, 2014 10:00

Title: Looking Back
Author/Artist: daughterjudy
House Category: [Gryffindor]
Summary: Godric reflects on the loss of a friend
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Godric Gryffindor/ Salazar Slytherin, mentions of the other founders
Characters/Pairings: None
Genre: Gen/Angst
Beta: none
Rating: [G]
(Highlight to View) Warning(s):None.
Can we link from Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: daughterjudy

He sat alone in his chamber, not far from the tower which beared his name. He thought of a time both long ago and what seemed like yesterday. "A long time ago, we used to be friends," he thought aloud to himself to no one in particular.

The fire flickered in the corner and the portrait on the wall snored loudly. Before the antagonizing and fear; before the purity. Looking back Godric could see the differences between himself and the dark haired gentleman that was once his friend. But arguments of purity and exclusivity did not deter him from remember the good Salazar had in him.

He remembered clearly that day in the pub when Salazar came to him with a grin on his face like the cat that ate the canary. For it was he who came up with the plot which would lead to this wonderful school he now called home.


"Godric, I have the most wonderful idea," he said breathlessly, having nearly run to the back of the pub that Godric was rather fond of. They had a fantastic ale. The slim man sat down with an uncharacteristically loud manner.

Godric cocked an eyebrow at his friend as he took a drink of his pint. "Just what is that Salazar," he said putting his mug back down.

The pale man's eyes were twinkling madly. He swiped his friend's mug and tipped his head back briefly, wiping the foam off with the back of his hand, exhaling deeply. He still hadn't said anything and now Godric was out of beer.

"This better be good," he spoke with a hint of anger, eyeing his now empty mug.

Salazar laughed a heady laugh and shook his head. "If you do not like my idea, I will buy you another. If you do, I'll buy you two."

Godric looked away from Salazar and made eye contact with the barmaid and lifted his empty mug. She nodded and walked off.

"Deal, now what is it that's got you like a kneazel that got the canary?"

"I think we should build a school."

It was good thing that Godric was out of ale or he would have spat it all of him. He sat there slack jawed staring at the other man. He knew Slytherin had ambition but this was borderline crazy, not that anyone other than himself would have the balls to say that to his face. Salazar was laughing again, his face open and aloof.

"You're crazy."

"Not crazy. Think about it. We have no centralized way of teaching out youth. This could mean a better education, a better wizard. We could have classes and all the best teachers. And art and music and languages." He spoke about a mile a minute. "And a dueling club," he added with a wink. He then sat there quietly waiting for his reaction.

Godric sat there a minute, he looked down and steepled his hands before a booming voice rang out: "Barmaid, make it two, and he's buying." he was laughing and so was the man in green.


A snore from the portrait behind him brought him from his memory. He sighed. He could still remember just months prior when the ambition that brought this school into being, nearly tore it apart. Godric felt terrible about the whole thing. It almost felt like they were ganging up on their friend. It upset both Helga and Rowena to kick him out of the school. Seeing how it was his idea to start it in the first place.

But, there was no place for prejudice in a school. Deep down, Salazar knew that. There was a fear of the unknown and of the muggle world that Salazar never got over. And it the end, that is what drove them apart.

Godric sighed and walked to the thin window overlooking the grounds, the moon was gracing the sloping lawns with a peaceful glow. There was no clue to be seen of the anger that once wrecked those very grounds.

The creaking of the heavy door brought him from his reverie.

The plump figure of Helga Hufflepuff stood there with sad smile on her face, a tray treacle tarts in her hands.

"Up late again, Godric?" she moved across the room toward him, putting the tarts on his desk, before coming to stand next to him. She put a soft hand on his firm shoulder, smiling at him gently. "Everything will be okay, dear," she spoke encouragingly.

He smiled faintly. "Did you know, a long time ago, we used to be friends?"

// 25 pts

character: godric gryffindor, genre: angst, rating: g, !special term event, genre: gen, form: fic, character: salazar slytherin, creator: daughterjudy, *tumblr allowed

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