Houses of Hogwarts Fest FIC: Fly Away (PG)

Aug 23, 2014 10:00

Title: Fly Away
Author/Artist: empressempoleon
House Category: Ravenclaw
Summary:  Cho always had this lingering though at the back of her mind. Why was she placed in Ravenclaw?
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Cho Chang, Cho/Cedric
Genre:  Angst
Beta: n/a
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): mentions of character death..
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Cho always had this lingering though at the back of her mind. It never left her, from the moment she pulled the Sorting Hat off her head to now, when she stands in front of this alabaster gravestone with her lover’s name engraved on it.

Why was she placed in Ravenclaw?

The humid summer air is suffocating her, and the memories of a man now gone are crushing her. Her heart hurts and her knees are quivering and her breaths are rapid.

C E D R I C  D I G G O R Y. A courageous young man that will always be loved.

Those are the words on the tombstone in front of her, stark black on pearly marble. The words are blurring together through her bleary eyes and she drops to her knees, pressing her forehead to the cold marble and letting the tears fall.

Hufflepuff. Her mother had always told her how dependable they were, always perfect, always reliable. How a Hufflepuff man would never let her down.

She beats her fist against the gravestone and can’t help but smile, a little. You let me down, Cedric. You said you’d come back and take me out on a date. You didn’t.

He was Hufflepuff through and through, down to his core. From his dirty blond hair and stormy eyes to his large callused hands that would linger on the small of her back to the small smile that he would only give her, he was a Hufflepuff. She saw it in his unending caring and undying loyalty, heard it in his promises and tasted it in his lips.

He was a Hufflepuff from the moment he was born to the moment he died. The moment he broke his first and last promise. His promise to her.

Cho desperately wipes her tears with the back of her wrist, but it doesn’t stop more from taking their place.

Cedric was always so clear. That was one of the things she loved about him. He always knew what he wanted, and he always let people know.

He was sure of who he was. Unlike Cho.

Her head still tingles from the leathery words the Sorting Hat had whispered in her hair.

“Such a sensitive girl. You have a lot of heart...RAVENCLAW!”

She never understood the message. Why? What about her made it place her in Ravenclaw? She was all right with her studies, and more fond of make-up and objects than studying and becoming more wise. She was sentimental, and emotional, and sensitive, and couldn’t see the point to endlessly devoting herself to books. She couldn’t find herself in all the glittering, wise sapphires in her House, and she hated how she seemed to be the only dull aquamarine in the corner.

And Cedric was a beaming peridot who helped her shine brighter. She liked seeing her reflection in his eyes, seeing her dressed in yellow.

Maybe one of the reasons Cho loved him was because he became a part of her. She found some of herself in him; he helped her find a bit of her identity.

Maybe the Sorting Hat was wrong. Maybe she really belonged in Hufflepuff, where she could devote her life to a dead man.

“You’re a smart girl, Cho,” he said. She laughed, throwing her head back to look at him.

“Not really. I fell in love with you, after all.”

Cho couldn’t help but laugh. She was just joking then, but in reality, she was right.

She was stupid.

She throws her head back, and the bright sunlight hits her in the face. Too bright. She squints, words of the past echoing in her ears.

The sun is dazzling. Cho wishes that she could fly up into the sky and join it. Maybe shine bright just like it.

And maybe that’s why I’m a Ravenclaw, Cho thinks in her head. Because I’m a dreamer. A sentimental, mushy, emotional dreamer.

Cho slowly gets to her feet, continuing to wipe her tears. Cedric had once told her that she had big dreams and she had only laughed.

She does. She does have big dreams, one of which was to marry Cedric.

He had crushed her. But maybe, with her dreamy Ravenclaw spirit, she could wiggle her way out of his grasp and fly up into the sky and glow like the sun.


genre: angst, rating: pg, creator: empressempoleon, !special term event, character: cho chang, character: cedric diggory, form: fic

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