Title: For All Our Differences, Here We Stand
flipflop_divaHouse Category: Hogwarts
Summary: In the wake of the Second War, it is the solemn duty of the Wizengamot to investigate and then decide if Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry should remain open. Today, there are four witnesses ready to take the stand.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Hermione Granger, Hannah Abbott, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson and a brief appearance by Harry Potter
Genre: Gen/Angst
flyingharmony, who saved my life again! Thank you bb!
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
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“It is my solemn duty to open this special honorary session of the Wizengamot to look into the legacy and effects of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, to determine if, based upon the unfortunate events of the last few years, the school is deemed safe enough for children and worthy enough to be entrusted to raising them and if the school shall once more open its doors or if it shall be forever closed.
I, Kingsley Shacklebolt, declare this session open. Please call the first witness.”
Hermione smiled at the guard as he showed her into the empty waiting room, gratefully taking the glass of water he handed her, and then carefully sitting down as he retreated back into the hall, closing the door behind him and leaving her alone in the small, dark, almost sterile room.
She took a deep breath as she tried to get comfortable on the straight-backed metal chair, but the plain white walls and stone floor made her feel like she was in a prison. Besides three other identical chairs in the room, it was completely empty. She sucked in even more air as her stomach did flip-flops and tried to concentrate on what was about to happen.
Harry had already given her a rundown. He had been the first witness, of course. Called to the stand to go over every evil and perceived evil that had ever occurred during his time at Hogwarts.
He had been questioned about everything, he’d told her. Every time they had snuck out without professors knowing, every time they had come into contact with Voldemort or Death Eaters. They had even asked about potions accidents and injuries caused by magical creatures.
“They want Hogwarts to close,” he had told her miserably the night he had finished testifying. “They think it’s unsafe.”
“They can’t close Hogwarts,” she had whispered in horror.
He had reached up then to rub his scar. “They did at least let me speak freely at the end,” he had said.
“And what did you tell them?”
“The truth. That Hogwarts is my home.”
And now it was her turn. She knew the Wizengamot was going to go over everything they had been over with Harry. They would want to know all the details of what happened when they found the Philosopher’s Stone and how they had discovered the Chamber of Secrets. They would ask her about being petrified by the basilisk. They would ask about the night it all ended and how they were able to get back into the castle.
Everything and anything that could paint the school in a bad light, that could get it shut down.
And then what? Someone would open a new school somewhere else? Or English students would be sent off to other countries?
Just considering either of those options made Hermione want to cry, and she took a sip of her water to try and calm her nerves.
A slight creak broke into her thoughts.
She started as she saw the door swing open. The guard appeared, and then right behind him, a familiar looking girl dressed in black and yellow robes with blonde hair that had grown longer since the last time Hermione had seen her.
“Hermione,” the girl said, and Hermione nodded back, “Hannah. I didn’t know you would be here too.”
Hannah nodded, taking a seat across from Hermione as the guard once again disappeared back into the hall. “I got the summons yesterday,” she said. “My father thinks they want to ask me about when Cedric died.”
Hermione felt a lump in her throat as an image of the boy flashed in her mind, along with pictures of so many others who had died in battle - Fred, Colin, Dobby, Tonks, Remus …
She looked up at Hannah.
“What are you going to say?” she asked her, and Hannah shrugged.
“I don’t know,” she said. “I don’t want Hogwarts to close.”
“No,” Hermione said. “Neither do I.”
The two of them drifted into silence. Hermione had known people were getting summoned to testify, but she hadn’t realised just how many stories they might be collecting. Her fingers tightened around her glass of water. She saw Hannah biting down on her lower lip.
The door opened again. Both girls looked up, and this time Hermione smiled at the sight.
Another blonde girl, this time in blue robes, with a pink hat adorned with a yellow flower that looked like it was spraying water into the air, drifted into the room.
“Luna!” Hermione said, grateful to see someone she considered a friend. She set her glass down and jumped to her feet, reaching for Luna and drawing her into an embrace.
“I didn’t realise you would be here,” Luna said, taking a seat by Hermione.
“Nor did I you,” Hermione said.
“What do you think they are going to ask you about?” Hannah spoke up from across the room.
Luna smiled. “Oh,” she said, in her normal calm, serene tone, “I expect they will want to know how I was kidnapped from the Hogwarts Express.”
Hermione felt like someone had just poured ice water through her veins. They wanted Luna to testify against Hogwarts too.
“But that wasn’t the school’s fault!” Hermione protested quickly.
“They’ll say it was,” Hannah said. “We’re supposed to be protected as soon as we get to Platform 9 3/4.”
Hermione shot Hannah a scowl. “Whose side are you on anyway?”
A flash of something crossed Hannah’s face. Hurt maybe?
“I didn’t know there were sides,” she said softly, and once again the room fell into silence.
Five minutes later, the door opened again. Hermione, Luna and Hannah all looked up, but this time Hermione’s heart sunk like rocks at the sight.
A dark-haired girl, dressed in green, looking as scornful as the last time Hermione had seen her.
“Oh bloody hell,” Pansy Parkinson scowled as she looked around the room. She turned back to the guard. “I refuse to stay in here with them.” But it was too late. The guard was gone.
“The feeling,” Hermione said, almost bitterly, “is mutual.”
Pansy glared at her, then walked over to the only empty chair left in the room, right beside Hannah. She scooted it over a few feet and then plopped down, still shooting daggers at the rest of them.
“You must be happy about this,” Luna said to her, and Pansy’s scowl seemed to deepen.
“Why would I be happy?” she asked.
“Oh, do you not want Hogwarts to get shut down?” Luna said.
“Why would I want that?”
“Why wouldn’t you?” Hermione snapped. “Aren’t you dying to have a school full of malicious liars and future Death Eaters like yourself?”
“Aren’t you dying to have a school full of fools who rush headlong into every fight and don’t stop to think?” Pansy shot back.
“Hey!” Hannah said, but at Pansy’s glare, she wilted.
“Or you,” Pansy continued, this time directed at Hannah. “A school of noble do-gooders who are too passive to stand up for anything they believe in. Or maybe - ” she turned her head to Luna - “a school full of crazy people who have no basis in reality.”
“Take that back!” Hermione leapt to her feet, her wand pointed straight at Pansy. “You take that back!”
Pansy didn’t waver. “Then you take it back,” she said.
“Luna is not crazy!”
“And I am not a liar!”
“But you are here to get Hogwarts shut down!”
“I am not!”
“STOP IT!” Hannah’s cry silenced both of them. Hermione and Pansy both whipped their heads to the side. Hermione hadn’t realised something so loud could come from someone so dainty.
“Stop,” Hannah said. “No fighting. Fighting is how we got into this mess.”
“That’s on you guys,” Pansy said automatically.
“That’s on you,” Hermione corrected. “You were the ones who didn’t like us. You were the ones who started the fights.”
“No,” Pansy said, “You were the ones who didn’t accept us.”
“That is not tr--” Hermione started, but she caught the almost disappointed expression on Hannah’s face and the words died in her throat.
“It doesn’t matter,” she mumbled instead and sank back into her chair, picking up her water glass from the floor and pointedly ignoring everyone.
The silence in the room was almost suffocating. Hermione hoped they came to call her in soon. She just wanted this to be over.
Oddly enough, it was Pansy who broke the silence.
“You all are wrong,” she said, so softly Hermione almost thought she was imagining things. “I don’t want Hogwarts to get shut down. I want it to stay open. Hogwarts is my home.”
Hermione looked up at that. Pansy had her hands folded in her lap and she was staring at the ground. Hermione couldn’t see her eyes, but she looked genuine - and almost sad.
“Hogwarts was the first place that made me feel like I belonged,” she continued. “Why would I want that to be taken away?”
“Hogwarts was the first place I made friends,” Hannah piped up. “And learned that it was okay to be who I am.”
“Hogwarts was the first place I made friends, too,” Luna said. She smiled at Hermione. “Hogwarts gave me a family.”
“Hogwarts made me realise the type of person I want to be,” Hermione said. She smiled back at Luna. “And who I want to be it with.”
Pansy shrugged. “I might not love any of you, but I don’t want a school of just Slytherins. What fun would that be?”
“We all bring something to the table,” Hannah said.
“If you say so,” Pansy said, but this time her smirk seemed friendly and Hannah actually smiled.
“So what do we do now?” Hannah said.
It was Luna who answered. “We save Hogwarts,” she said, and her tone was as matter of fact as if she were talking about her plans for dinner.
Hermione almost commented on it, but she didn’t get a chance. The door opened once more as soon as the words left Luna’s mouth, as though it had been waiting for just this moment. The guard who had escorted them all in stepped back through, alone this time.
“Hermione Granger,” he said, barely glancing in her direction. “You’re up first.”
The ball of nerves tightened in Hermione’s stomach, but she knew what she had to do. She stood up, brushing invisible creases from her robe, and made her way to the door. Before she stepped through it, she looked back at Luna, Hannah and Pansy.
Four girls. Rivals by chance, friends or enemies by choice. An ambitious Slytherin, a dreamy Ravenclaw, a good-hearted Hufflepuff and a brave Gryffindor.
So different, but yet so alike on something that mattered the most.
She flashed them all one last smile and followed the guard out of the room.
“Please state your name for the record.”
“My name is Hermione Granger. And Hogwarts is my home. …”
Kristine/Puff/61 Points