Houses of Hogwarts Fest FIC: Blue or Red (G)

Aug 06, 2014 10:00

Title: Blue or Red
Author/Artist: Empress Empoleon/empressempoleon
House Category: Gryffindor
Summary:  She was born to ride this train, sit on that stool and be Sorted into Ravenclaw. Yet sometimes she can’t help but think that she looks so much better in red.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Parvati Patil
Genre: Gen
Beta: n/a
Rating: G
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None..
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Parvati’s lived in a cage. She’s never known anything more than you have to be a Ravenclaw and intelligence is everything. Heading off to Hogwarts isn’t an adventure for her; it’s more like a pig being readied for slaughter.

She was born to ride this train, sit on that stool and be Sorted into Ravenclaw. There is no question as to the colors that she will bear through her Hogwarts years and into the rest of her life. Her family is sapphire and she will be too.

Her parents have told her from the beginning that the world is a hard place, unless you’re intelligent. Slytherin is for narrow-minded purists, Hufflepuff is for drop-outs, and Gryffindor - Gryffindor is for idiots.

Parvati chants mantras of textbook quotes and pep talks. She is ready. She has crammed all the material of all the classes she could ever take at Hogwarts before she even got her letter. She is ready to dress in blue. Stand in front of the mirror in rippling azure robes and see in an intellectual young woman.

Parvati knows. Yet sometimes she can’t help but think that she looks so much better in red.

The train ride is silent. Padma is mentally preparing herself, so Parvati has to stay silent - Parvati isn’t exactly sure why Padma has to ready herself for something they’ve been ready for for years now, but she’ll let her be.

The scenery rips away as the train hurtles through Europe. The blue sky is the only thing that’s constant, between the evergreen trees and mountains and warm sunlight.

Blueblueblue. She mutters first-year quotes to herself and wonders if it’s normal to feel this way. Feel like Hogwarts is just going to be another chapter, another place where she’ll sit and study and feel nothing at all.

Just like home.

Her heart’s beating at the same rate. She hates smiling. She can’t find anything that will make Hogwarts better than what she already had.

But that’s life, right? Study, study, study, and then-

Parvati blinks. What’s after that?

Study, Ravenclaw, blue, study, blue, get all O’s, graduate, get a job - then what? Have a family? Study more?

What am I studying for? she thinks and suddenly her life is peeling away at the edges. There’s a deep blackness behind it and the quotes are flying out of her head and for the first time in her life, she doesn’t know what she has to do.
She doesn’t know what she’s doing. Her mind is blank as she continues to stare at the scenery outside the window.

Strangely, it’s somewhat peaceful. For once she’s not mentally reciting entire scriptures or imagining herself in blue. Now she’s just watching the sunlight bounce off the window and feeling something strange pang inside her chest.

It’s sort of nice to not know.

Parvati kind of feels like she’s had an evolution of sorts on the train. She’s journeyed away from home - literally, and in her heart.

Hogwarts wasn’t just like home. It was supposed to be her new home. A place where she could reinvent herself.

She wasn’t a Patil here, cloaked in her ancestor’s sapphire. She was Parvati, and she could be any color she wanted.

Such an intelligent young woman, the silky voice murmurs in her head. It’s low and husky and running through her veins like slime and strangely she enjoys the adrenaline of not knowing what it’s going to say next. You could really fit in blue.

She sees herself in front of the mirror in blue with dead monochromatic eyes and she knows she doesn’t want that. Not anymore.

But I also see, it continues, a deep desire to express yourself. You want to find your identity, and I think you know you can’t do that dressed in blue.

The Hat is right. She does know. So when it yells out GRYFFINDOR she is hardly surprised.

Parvati smiles softly, setting the Hat down. Her fingertips feel alive touching the worn down black velvet.

Padma is covering her mouth in shock from the Ravenclaw table. She won’t clap, but Parvati is okay with that.

Crimson. The tables are cheering for her and as she approaches them she feels this inexplicable warmth coursing through her, from the tip of her head to her toes.

She feels like she belongs here.

Padma’s mouthing at her, they’ll hear about this. Parvati can already hear her parents yelling idiotidiotidiot into her ears.

But Parvati’s found herself among the vermillion and golden lions, and she isn’t going back.


creator: empressempoleon, rating: g, !special term event, genre: gen, character: parvati patil, form: fic

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