Title: And so we bloom like flowers
Summary: Barty would choose his own father, would follow his Lord to the ends of the earth, because in His eyes Barty was everything.
Characters/Pairings: Barty Crouch Jr, with mentions of Voldemort and other Death Eaters.
Genre: Gen/Angst
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 411
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thanks.
The world was empty without Him in it. The sun did not shine, the people did not smile, and nobody noticed little Barty anymore. No more promises of power and glory, no more compliments on his loyalty and might. Little Barty was a child once more, and the world forgot about him.
Left abandoned to rot in his father's shadow, with his mentor vanished into the mist, no longer to guide him, no longer to place a cold hand upon his shoulder and make him feel like a genuine person.
Bella and the Lestrange brothers looked through him; he was nothing to them. But they were as loyal to the Dark Lord as he was. They would not listen when he spoke, would not heed his call to arms, because he was nothing, a nobody, a ghost walking this earth before it had even lost its body. But they would give their own call, and Barty would answer it, his voice small but desperate, his body weak but willing. He would do anything.
Dark Lord had whispered in his ear, had seen his plight and plucked him out of it, pulling on the strands of fate until he had come loose and blossomed to become the man he'd always wanted to be. But Dark Lord was gone now. Lost, but not dead. No, never dead, for he had promised that he would be around forever, to herd the troops and give them all the power and sunlight they could ever want.
True Death Eaters felt loss, as though their hearts had been ripped from them, and they would not rest until they got them back, until they got Him back. Barty hated his father with a blistering heat, the man who had sneered at his worthless son. Barty would choose his own father, would follow his Lord to the ends of the earth, because in His eyes Barty was everything.
They forged ahead, the group of the true, the loyal devotees to the cause. Dozens abandoned their Lord for dead, but true Death Eaters felt loss, and they could never let go.
Bellatrix Black knew secrets; she knew who amongst the traitors might know what had happened to their Lord. Bella looked through Barty like he did not even exist, just like his birth father did. But little Barty would follow Bella, for she would give him back his true Father, the only man who'd ever acted like He loved him.
Crystal/Hufflepuff/19 Points