Title: Poetry Challenge #6
Summary: Haikus about various HP yadda.
Characters/Pairings: various
Genre: gen
Beta: lol
Rating/Warnings: none
Medium: poetry
Word Count: less than 25 on each
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: okay
If yes, your Tumblr username: bonsterisamonster
Beaters and bludgers
Seekers and golden snitches
We got dis, bitchez
Let's hear it for her!
Ginny Weasley is our Queen!
All hail to the Queen!
Luna, her first name.
Lovegood, her last name. That's right.
You wish you were her.
Dobby the free elf
says socks are certainly best.
Cradles his to chest.
Harry has flashbacks.
Ginny wakes him in the night;
holds hands and holds tight.
McGonagall tsks
at her silly class. They should
really be focused.
Haikus = 6 x 5 challenge points = 30 points
/ 30 points earned