1 poem for challenge + 1 WB archive fic

May 29, 2014 22:24

Title: Hufflepuff
Summary: for Poetry Challenge #20, Acrostic Hufflepuff
Rating/Warnings: g / none
Word Count: less than 30
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: nty


Title: The Beast
Summary: for WB archive #51 Rare Pairings
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Lavender
Genre: angst
Rating/Warnings: g / none
Word Count: 414
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: nty

Bill wore his scars easily. He didn't view them as battle wounds or badges of honor -- just facts of life. That was just the way things were. Growing up in a big family with very little money, he came to just accept the things he could not change. And the marks on his cheeks could not be changed -- no matter how much magic they poured onto them.

Lavender admired that. He looked proud and brave. She ran her fingers over the raised pink skin on his cheek. They had faded, of course, but would never disappear. They would never fade into his pale skin. It took a year but he finally cut his hair short again. She missed running her fingers through it but she had to admit he looked much better with it short. He didn't need to keep a curtain over his face anymore.

Lavender wasn't as strong as he was. She always wore her hair down or swept and pinned carefully to the side. Bill's scars raked across his check and under his eye but Lavender's spanned her entire neck to her ear with the bottom of her left earlobe missing. She could no longer wear earrings, which was ridiculous to even be concerned about. At least she was alive.

"You're beautiful," Bill murmured into her ear, pulling her thick hair away from her body. Lavender stiffened as his fingers touched the edges of her scars. They were swollen and red, bright scratches on her smooth skin. She moved away from him, letting her hair fall back into place. Bill frowned. "That's not fair, you touch me all the time."

She knew what he meant. She touched his scars all the time. Lavender ran her fingers over his face whenever she had a chance. I want to be brave like you, she wanted to tell him. But she wasn't a brave girl anymore. Once, Lavender stormed into battle with only her wand to protect her. She left it bleeding and marred and scared of everything.

Bill went back to her side and touched her arm. "You are beautiful," he said again and kissed her hand -- kissed her arm, kissed her shoulder, paused. "It gets easier. You have to trust me on this one."

"I do trust you," she told him, trying to smile a little.

"Good." He kissed the edge of her scar on her collarbone. Lavender took a deep breath. It would get easier if he was around.

1 challenge less than 30 words = 5 points
414/30 + 5 for challenge = 19 points
total = 24 points for Hufflepuff

*challenge, character: lavender brown, character: bill weasley, creator: caitieness

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