2 ficlets for challenge

May 25, 2014 22:17

Title: Beginning
Summary: for WB Challenge 27: Animagi
Characters/Pairings: The Marauders
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: g / none
Word Count: 270
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: nty

It was actually Peter's idea if you get right down to it. Maybe not his idea idea, but he brought up the subject that eventually lead to the idea. He never took credit for it but when things went bad (as they often did with the marauders), Sirius loved to bring it up.

Peter was studying. He had permission for the Restricted Section and James and Sirius used to asked him to check out some of the books in hopes of finding something interesting.

"I just got a book about becoming an animagus today," he said, holding up "Becoming Your Inner Animal" to show his friends. "Sorry I didn't think to grab anything else. I'm doing an extra credit project for McGonagall because at this rate I'm going to get a T in her class this year."

"Lemme see," Sirius said, pulling the book from his hands. He quickly flipped through the pages, not reading it, just looking for some pictures. There weren't any so he dropped it in James's lap.

James help the book between his fingers and stared at it. He stared at it for a long time before he said, "Guys." Peter and Sirius and Remus looked at him, each with furrowed brows. "Guys," he said, holding the book out in front of him. "GUYS!"

"What James?" Sirius asked, taking back the Transfiguration book and rolling his eyes.

"I had the most brilliant idea."

"Last time that didn't end up well," Remus reminded them (like they needed a reminder).

"No, listen. You know about Remus's furry little problem...."

The rest, as they say, is history.

Title: Blink
Summary: for ficlet challenge 50: Cedric doesn't die
Characters/Pairings: Cedric, Harry
Genre: angst
Rating/Warnings: g / none
Word Count: 245
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: nty

Cedric doesn't die, when he ends up in the graveyard by mistake. He doesn't die exactly, though it's become quite a controversial issue in the wizarding world.

Harry Potter was the first Boy Who Lived when shot with the Killing Curse. Cedric might have been the second, though he is the Boy Who Didn't Die. (Some whisper the Boy Who Almost Lived or the Boy Who Should Have Died.)

Cedric's heart doesn't stop when Pettigrew shoots the Killing Curse at him. The green light grazes a headstone before hitting him in thigh. He collaspes, passes out, stops breathing for a few minutes. But he heart continues to pump and eventually he can open his eyes. Who knows what Cedric sees or remembers. Who knows if he can move when he wakes up after the Curse. Who knows if he sees Voldemort rise from a cauldron and Pettigrew grow a silver hand and Harry duel the greatest Dark Wizard. No one will ever know.

Harry calls to him but Cedric doesn't move. So Harry must get to Cedric and call the portkey to them to escape the graveyard. When they enter the stadium to music and cheering, Harry collaspses on top of Cedric's body and cries.

Cedric blinks but doesn't move. He blinks.

Who knows what Cedric sees in the graveyard that night. Who knows why the Killng Curse does not, in fact, kill him. Maybe Cedric knows but all he ever does is blink.

270/30 = 9
245/30 = 8
2 challenges = 10
27 points for Hufflepuff

*challenge, rating: g, creator: caitieness, character: cedric diggory

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