Ficlet? - First Day - No Challenge - My first post be kind

Apr 02, 2014 21:03

Title: First Day
Summary: Diary entry for Iris Parelli's first day at Hogwarts
Characters: Iris Parelli (original character), Daisy Parelli (original characater)
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: ficlet?
Word Count: 900
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No

Dear Diary,

I’m so excited! I just got sorted into Gryffindor! I even saw Harry Potter sitting in one of the compartments on the train! He was so dreamy. I heard that he passed out though, but I’ll tell you all about that. I didn’t dare go up to him though. I mean, not only is he a 3rd year but he’s HARRY POTTER! Okay, I’ll calm down and tell you all about today because it was AMAZING and a bit thrilling and I don’t want to forget a thing!

So we got up and got ready just like we did last year when Daisy got to go to Hogwarts except this time all of my things got to be packed up too, including my brand new owl which I named Oslow. We got to the train early just to be sure that we got good spots. Mom always says its best to be early. Luckily Daisy let me sit in her compartment. There were so many people on the train! Everyone in our compartment was a Ravenclaw because that’s the house Daisy was sorted into. I wasn’t expecting to get sorted into Ravenclaw though. Daisy got all the brains in our family. We are so different even though we’re sisters.

Daisy sent me down to get something from the Candy Trolley, because when it passed earlier she couldn’t find her money. That’s when I saw Harry Potter! He was sitting with a red haired boy and a fluffy haired girl. Daisy said their names are Ron and Hermoine. There also looked to be someone in the corner, but I couldn’t tell. It might have just been a pile of coats and luggage. I got so excited I ran back to the compartment without even getting Daisy her candy! I had to go back and find the Trolley again. This time it was outside a compartment with a bunch of Slytherin’s in it. One boy was kinda cute. He had very blonde hair, but when I told Daisy, she said I wasn’t allowed to think he was cute because he was Malfoy. I’ll tell you a secret though; I still think he’s cute. I just won’t tell Daisy.

So when I finally got back and could sit down everyone was talking about the breakout at Azkaban. Sirius Black sounds absolutely terrifying! While everyone was talking, everything got really dark all of a sudden. I suddenly felt like I would never be happy again. I started remembering about 3 years ago, when my daddy died. I couldn’t stop thinking of it. It felt like it had just happened yesterday. I feel a lot better now. Everyone ate some chocolate and for some reason that made us feel a lot better.

After that the train stopped. That’s when the word started getting around that Harry Potter had fainted! Can you even believe it? After all I’ve heard growing up about how he somehow vanquished He Who Must Not Be Named as a baby, and he faints! I wonder what could have happened. I heard there was a Dementor on the train, but if even I didn’t faint I don’t see why he would. I still think he’s amazing though!

After we got off the train I had to leave Daisy and go in boats with this giant man named Hagrid. He was huge but he seemed pretty nice. Being so big made it easy to follow him. When we got to the castle we had to wait in a line. I had to wait for a teacher named McGonagall to call “Parelli, Iris” before I could get sorted. I was so nervous when I went up and she put the sorting hat on my head. Mom was a Ravenclaw but my Daddy was a Gryffindor. I knew I wasn’t going to get Ravenclaw so I really wanted to get Gryffindor just like my Daddy was. The hat thought for a while and then called out “GRYFFINDOR!” I was so excited I jumped up and the hat fell right off my head and onto the ground. I apologized profusely to it. I really hoped it wouldn’t decide that I didn’t deserve to be in any house after dropping him but McGonagall just picked him up and looked at me very sternly.

After everyone was sorted we got to eat! Everything just appeared! There was so much food! I ate until I thought I was going to explode. I wonder if it’s going to be like that every night. After we finished eating dinner, then came the dessert! There were a lot of chocolate desserts and I wonder if that was on purpose because of the Dementor on the train. I found more room to eat dessert though. There’s always room for dessert!

Now I’m up in my dormitory. I have a big bed all to myself and it has curtains I can pull around it so that I can do things like write in you without anyone bothering me. I can’t wait until tomorrow when I get to start taking classes and learning magic! Daisy learned so many fun things in her first year. I know my marks won’t be nearly as high as hers, but I do intend to have fun! I better be getting to bed now or I won’t be up in time for breakfast, which I’m sure is going to be AMAZING!



900/30 = 30 points

form: ficlet, rating: g, creator: iam4him, character: original, genre: gen

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