FIC - NO CHALLENGE: The after-effects of “Freak”

Mar 14, 2014 02:18

Title: The after-effects of “Freak”
Summary: Harry brings Draco to the Dursleys.
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/ mild language, mentions of past abuse, hints of mental illness (anxiety, depression including insecurities and self-doubt)
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 313
Author’s Notes: Written for the Harry/Draco Comment Fic Love Meme at hdotp for the prompt: cupboard under the stairs. Unbeta'ed. Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR. No copyright infringement is intended.
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No.

His hands ease over muscles pulled taut; they slide lower, lower and grasp at clenched fists, manicured nails digging into sensitive palms, spots of red visible between the digits. His hands travel up the arms, and he hopes the motion will sooth him. Erase the memory of the past few hours. His head drops lower, resting between sharp shoulder blades, aware of the contrast from their usual strength and stability. His back is rigid, not strong, tight, not puffed up with pride or smugness. He doesn’t hear a breath.

Easing his lips toward the closest pale ear, he whispers. “It was a long time ago. It’s fine.”

He feels the tension increase.

“Don’t. Don’t, Harry. Don’t try and defend…”

The words are stilted, his usually posh accent muffled behind clenched teeth.

He nods into the cloaked back.

“I’m not defending them, Draco. What they did to me was awful. But it happened, and now I’m here with you. I want to move forward not back.” The ever familiar doubt creeps in, and he closes his eyes. They were wrong. They treated me badly. I didn’t deserve it. I believe that.

“You can’t even fucking say it, can you?”

Draco spins around abruptly. He is vibrating at the edges, his face red and eyes blazing. His hands are still clenched, forearms resting on his shoulders, boxing him in, forcing him to listen. “They abused you, and you don’t even admit that.” He stops talking, eyes piercing Harry’s. His voice turns soft. “Baby, they hurt you for no reason. You did not deserve it.”

Draco presses closer and wraps his arms around him. He doesn’t speak any more. Perhaps he thinks it won’t help. He’s probably right. Because didn’t he?

They stand there, wrapped around each other in an alley in Surrey until long after the sun goes down. He feels wetness on his cheek.

At my journal:
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At hdotp:

10 points earned

character: draco malfoy, creator: nathalieweasley, rating: pg-13, character: harry potter, form: fic

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