Title: Untitled
Summary: Drabble challenges 20, 21, 22
Characters/Pairings: Various
Rating: PG
Word Count: All between 90 and 100 words
Warning(s): None
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Yes
Summary: Drabble Challenge 20 - Albus Dumbledore (comedy or as much comedy as Kristine can get)
Characters/Pairing: Albus Dumbledore, various others
Word Count: 100
The explosion rocked Hogwarts. Students screamed, professors gasped. The sound seemed to have come from the headmaster’s office.
Feet pounded as they all raced toward the sound. And then they froze.
Calmly sitting in the middle of the biggest pile of Acid Pops, Chocolate Frogs, Canary Creams, Chocoballs and Fizzing Whizbees anyone had ever seen - it completely covered the room and went three-fourths of the way up the moving staircase - sat Albus Dumbledore, serenely sucking on a sugar quill.
He looked up when everyone stormed in.
“Oh, did I disturb you?” he asked. “Candy accident.” A pause. Then, “Acid Pop?”
Summary: Drabble Challenge 21 - Lord Voldemort (drama)
Characters/Pairing: Lord Voldemort
Word Count: 100
Being ripped out of your own body is the most torturous feeling in the entire world, more awful than any Cruciatus Curse could hope to be.
It’s not something you can prepare for or plan for, but he knew what it was the moment it happened.
It seemed to take an eternity, a split second that lasted a lifetime, pain beyond pain, horror beyond horror.
Even now, as he sat, stroking his wand, petting Nagini, waiting for the right moment, he still felt it, deep in his soul.
He would never forget.
And he would never let it happen again.
Summary: Drabble Challenge 22 - Remus Lupin (romance)
Characters/Pairing: Remus, Remus/Tonks (implied only)
Word Count: 92
Remus was nervous. His hands were shaking. If he didn’t know better, he would have said the candles were flickering from the extent of his nerves as well.
He reached into his pocket, one more time, just to make sure it was still there.
He then checked everything else - the roses, the firewhiskey, the special dinner he had persuaded Molly Weasley to make.
It was almost perfect.
Three hours later when she snogged him and whispered “yes” and he finally slipped the small diamond on her finger? Then it was finally perfect.
3 drabbles @ 90-100 words: 9pts
3 challenges: 15pts
Kristine | Puff | 24 22 points (maxed out)