Gift exchange fic for Dani!

Dec 23, 2013 01:20

To: Dani | pinkphoenix1985
From: Empress | empressempoleon
Title: A Typical Weasley Christmas Eve
Summary: In which the Annual Weasley Snowball Fight ensues, Hugo is an idiotic catalyst, and James gets stuck with the shorter end of the stick.
Characters/Pairings: All the Weasley cousins!
Genre: Gen and Humor.
Beta: None.
Rating/Warnings: Rated G, no warnings.
Medium: Fic.
Word Count: 841
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No.

It was Christmas Eve, and the entire Weasley family had assembled. All the cousins were currently outside, playing in the snow.

“Look at this!” Lily rolled around a huge snowball for the base of a snowman. “It’s huge!”

“Good job Lily! Look, I got his middle!” Hugo exclaimed, hefting a smaller ball and placing it on top.

“Hey, Roxanne!” James shouted.

“What-mmf!” A snowball collided with her face, and everyone laughed as she spat out snow and brushed it off angrily with her glove.

“Oh, you’ll pay, Potter!” And so began the Annual Weasley Snowball Fight.

The sides were always the same every year. James and Roxanne were always captains because one of them always started it. Rose, Albus, Teddy, Fred, and Lucy were on James’s team, and Victoire, Dominique, Molly, Louis, Hugo were on Roxanne’s team.

There was a scramble as the two teams frantically struggled to build a fort as quickly as possible so they could get an advantage. Roxanne’s team quickly made a good fort, while Lucy and Albus started arguing on their design.

“Quick! Get ‘em while they’re distracted!” Roxanne instructed, lobbing a snowball right at James’s head, which was turned around telling Albus and Lucy to kindly shut the hell up.

“Damn,” James mumbled, his hands pressing snow together to make his own ball. “She’ll pay.”

Meanwhile, things were running like a well-oiled machine on Roxanne’s team.


Victoire and Dominique just could not stop arguing for even one second, and it was always over something stupid - Roxanne wasn’t really listening but it sounded like it was about whether Teddy had his hair in a blue or orange shade more often.

Louis was throwing snowballs whenever he wanted, and not when she told him to. Molly was just ducking behind the fort and squealing whenever she saw a flying trajectory - every few seconds.

And Hugo - well, he was an idiot.

“I’ll defeat you all!” he declared, stepping outside of the fort boundraries and out of Roxanne’s reach.
Her team gasped. James’s team smirked.

“An easy target,” James remarked, making an extra big ball to hit him with.

“Hey, wait a second!” Rose said, grabbing James’s arm just when he was about to throw. “That’s my little brother! Throw it at him, but throw it soft, okay? I don’t want him to get hurt.”

“Well, if you care about him so much go join the other team!” James huffed immaturely. “This is war, Rose. You can’t throw soft just because you’re related. You’re related to Roxanne too, but I don’t see you showing any mercy!”

Rose glared at him. “That’s different. Hugo’s younger anyways. I’m not saying don’t throw it, I’m just saying throw it a bit softer-”

“Why should I? He’s the enemy, so I throw-”

“James Sirius Potter, you listen to me right now-”

“AMBUSH!” Suddenly, James’s fort was under full attack.

Rose screamed as the snowballs pelted her. One particularly harsh one knocked her down, and she fell right on top of Albus and Lucy, the three of them rolling down the hill into a heap. James, on the other hand, got stuck as some kind of human wall for Louis and Molly, who were both smiling and doing nothing to help him.

“ROXANNE!” James shouted when the ambush was done.

Said girl innocently smiled. “You should never be distracted in battle, James, dear.”

“Roxanne, dear, I believe you’ve got a BLIND SPOT!” James said in sugary sarcasm, rapid firing ten snowballs with deadly aim at her.

Roxanne got knocked down, but Dominique stood up to take her place. “Try that again, punk!” She lobbed a big one, but James dodged it before chucking one at her in the stomach.

“Take that, Dom!” He stuck his tongue out, and she groaned before shooting him a glare.

“Let’s try not to act like five year olds-” Victoire began, before the snowball James has aimed at Dominique hit her in the cheek.


A snowball hit her right in her open mouth, stopping her words completely.
James smirked wolfishly. “Sorry, ma’am, what were you saying!”

Victoire flailed her arms wildly, making a lot of sounds that strangely resembled curses.

“Hey, get your lazy butts up here!” James yelled down at the trio that had strangely disappeared for a while. “What’s taking you so long?”

Nobody answered.

“Albus?” he called. “Rose? Lucy?”

“Yeah, what?”

He turned towards the house to find the three of them sitting on the porch, wrapped in blankets and sipping hot chocolate contentedly.

A vein popped. “What are you idiots doing there? You’re supposed to be fighting for me!”

James smiled innocently at him. “Brother, dear, we were cold, so-”

“Oh don’t you start dear-ing me, Albus,” James threatened.

“The way I see it, we’re the ones warm and drinking Grandma Molly’s awesome hot chocolate, and you’re the one fighting for a lost cause,” Rose pointed out.

James thought about that for a moment.

“Do you have room for one more?”

Empress | Puff | 28 points

character: james sirius potter, genre: humor, character: hugo weasley, creator: empressempoleon, rating: g, !special term event, genre: gen, form: fic

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