Poetry Challenge 6: Haiku x 7

Dec 22, 2013 09:36

Title: Fights in Dark Alleys
Summary: Severus Snape, in his days as a Death Eater.
Characters/Pairings: Severus, James
Genre: Gen
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Poetry/haiku x 7
Word Count: Less than 30 words each
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure

Snape beneath the mask,
Hidden behind secret rage --
Outlet for emotion.

In a crowd of friends,
Where he had no friends before --
Dark Lord lures him in.

Fights in dark alleys,
Magic bursting forth in light --
Darkness lit by fury.

Raided by his foe,
James Potter coming towards him --
Unaware and bright.

Severus duels him,
Revenge burning every spell --
Curse and shield will meet.

Piercing pain inside him,
Shouting hexes as he goes --
Snape is defeated.

Soothes himself in vows,
He will have him yet again --
Resentment lingers.

Haiku Challenge = 5 points each x 7 = 35 Points

form: poetry, *challenge, creator: bluemermaid, rating: g, genre: gen, character: james potter, character: severus snape

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