FIC - NO CHALLENGE: With a little help from my friends

Dec 16, 2013 00:22

Title: With a little help from my friends
Summary: Harry can put up with one date with Malfoy for his best friend. It can’t be worse than dying.
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating/Warnings: rating: R / warnings: references to alcohol, very mild language, frotting
Word Count: 1,326
Author’s Notes: Written for interhouse_fest based on the prompt (SPOILERS! highlight to view) *Ron wants to go out w/ Pansy but Pansy says she'll only date when her gay BFF gets a boyfriend, Ron tries to set Harry up with Draco. Harry has to pretend to like Draco so Ron can shag Pansy. What happens when Draco finds out--esp. since his feelings are real?* Many, many thanks to marianna_merlo for the beta. And thank you to the mods for hosting the fest and putting up with my many, many extensions. Title comes from title/chorus of With A Little Help From My Friends by The Beatles. Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR. No copyright infringement is intended.

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44 points earned

character: draco malfoy, creator: nathalieweasley, rating: r, character: harry potter, form: fic

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