Title: Offering
Summary: The fire burned, and Narcissa stood and watched the flames leaping ever higher. Written for
Characters/Pairings: Regulus/Narcissa
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating/Warnings: PG, no warnings
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 205
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The fire burned, and Narcissa stood and watched the flames leaping ever higher. Smoke curled around her, and she drank it in, pursing her lips so that she would not cough.
Samhain was a time when magic went beyond waving one's wand. Samhain was a time when magic meant something deeper, a time of rituals and offerings. Narcissa could only hope that her offering would be heard.
She hungered for him; in the darkness she would writhe between her sheets, with memories of another man's fingers running down her spine. Regulus had been gone now for months, vanished with no trace. He had never even said goodbye.
The Dark Lord spat on his name, claimed that he was a coward who had run from his Master. But Narcissa knew Regulus Black like she knew her own heart, and he was nothing if not brave. He was a hero, and she could not give up on him.
And so she lit her bonfire, and stood with her arms spread wide and pleading, calling to the spirits of Samhain, that they might bring her lover back to her. The fire burned, and Narcissa stood and watched the flames leaping ever higher.
It was all she had left.
Title: Of Death and Rebirth
Summary: She is perfect. She is not who she ought to be, but she is perfect for the molding. He grins at her, feral. “Come with me,” he says, and he knows that she will not dare to disobey. Written for
Characters/Pairings: Rodolphus/Pansy, implied Rodolphus/Bellatrix
Genre: Angst/Dark Romance
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, explicit sex and implied character death
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 2453
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