One Drabble for a Challenge

Oct 02, 2013 22:51

Title: The Crazy Ones
Summary: Molly watches the Scamander twins dance outside in a hail storm.
Characters/Pairings: Molly II, Lorcan&Lysander Scamander.
Genre: Humor?
Beta: N/A.
Rating/Warnings: Rating is G. No warnings for this drabble.
Medium: Drabble.
Word Count: 100.
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No.

You look out to see them, the crazy ones, dancing out in the rain like a pair of mad men.

Shaking your head, you can’t help but smile from behind the window. It might be hailing outside, but that wouldn’t stop the Scamander twins from dancing their little hearts away.

They twirl, their arms stretched out like wings, like they plan to fly away as soon as the storm is over.

It looks pretty fun. You think of joining them - but then you remember how stupid how you’d look.

They might be Ravenclaws, but they’re definitely the crazy ones.

Points Earned: 8...:P

*challenge, character: molly weasley, form: drabble, genre: humor, creator: empressempoleon, character: lysander scamander, rating: g, character: lorcan scamander

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