Here Be Haikus

Sep 19, 2013 12:32

Title: 25 HP-Verse Haikus
Summary: 25 Haikus about life in the lake, from the viewpoint of the Giant Squid
Characters/Pairings: Giant Squid, Giant Squid/Whomping Willow lol
Genre: Poetry: Haiku
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: G/None
Word Count: All under 30
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: If they want I guess XD

I be the giant
The Giant Squid I be
I be in a lake.

Do thar be pirates?
In a lake, by a castle
Here be pirates? No.

Blackbeard do I see?
Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys
Not Blackbeard, savvy?

Children runnin', sticks
Sticks in their hands, be those swords?
Me tentacle hit, arrr!

Those sure ain't be swords
Shootin' light out o' the ends
Keep to yer wits, Squid.

Squiddy be seasick,
Sick for me home in the sea,
Where thar be pirates.

Aye, settin' their sails
To escape the wrath o' me,
Arrr! Lake-bound I be.

Yo ho, me hearties,
Let me to spin ye a tale
What me own eyes saw.

Thar be a big tree,
Whompin' Willow be its name,
I get it, savvy?

That thar tree, yonder
It has them flailin' branches,
Like me tentacles.

And that same ol' tree,
It be stuck in place, savvy?
Just like ol' Squiddy.

Espy, me hearties!
See't flailin' away, arrr!
Shiver me timbers!

Me eyes saw that tree,
That sightly lass of a tree,
Hit by a strange boat!

Flew through air, it did!
Right into me lassy thar!
Aye, but she fought back.

Bonnie, whompin' lass,
Gave a good fight ter that boat,
It were bashed up good.

Lily-livered boat,
I'd like to have plucked that crow,
but lake-bound, alas.

See, lake-bound I be,
But me eyes see much at least.
Thar still be that.

Lake-bound and alone,
Aye, sometimes me eyes do weep,
Savvy, me hearties?

Giant Squid I be,
And many a thing I see,
But ne'er pirates.

The castle I see,
and them wee little hearties,
Thar be no pirates.

Them wooden sticks,
Shootin' and sparklin', not swords,
Kinda like 'em though.

Maybe ain't so bad,
Though lake-bound I now be, aye.
Fer at least I live.

Avast, these hearties!
Be their own wee jackanapes!
Givin' Squiddy laughs.

But oh to espy,
In the castle by me lake,
Pirates again, aye.

Do ye see that? Thar!
I be spyin' a peg leg!
Thar do be pirates?!

25 challenges [haikus] x 5 = 125 points

form: poetry, *challenge, genre: humor, rating: g, creator: blackestbird, character: whomping willow, character: giant squid, character: alastor moody

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