Writer's Block at Sugarquill Challenge #01: Favorite Quote

Sep 03, 2013 17:15

Hello, and welcome to our first Writer's Block challenge at Sugarquill for Term 27! ♥ There will be two challenges posted each month, and you should have at least 10 days to write for each challenge (plus a few days for voting). If, at any time, you have any ideas or suggestions regarding these, please let us know!

Challenge: Favorite Quote
Points: 1st/2nd/3rd/Participation Only: 50/40/30/10 points & 20/15/10/5 knuts, respectively.
Deadline: Friday, September 13 @ 23:59 UTC (timezone converter).
Details: For this challenge, you need to pick your favorite quote from any of the HP books, then write a fic inspired by it. The one catch - your fic can't relate to the original scene in which the quote was said. You're putting a new spin on an old quote!

RULES (taken from the WB community):
- You may submit ONE (1) entry.
- All fics must be between 100 and 500 words. Use either this site to double-check your count or this one.
- Your fic must be written specifically for this challenge.
- Include only official Harry Potter characters from the books and movies. No original characters or characters from another series.
- No fics of an R or NC-17 rating. (Use common sense for this, but examples include no intense violence, no graphic sex scenes, etc.)
- Do not share your entry or post it in any other capacity until voting concludes.

Please use the following form to submit your fics; also - and this is important - don't forget to remove the asterisks (*) to make your entries appear in a textbox!

Quote you used:

Fic goes here!

Name//House//Word Count (or sigtag and word count)
Can the Order post your story on the HiH Tumblr? Yes or No?

!mod post, !writer's block

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