Fics: No Challenges

Sep 01, 2013 15:44

Title:The Consequences of Letting One’s Hair Down | on ao3
Author/Artist: pretty_panther
Characters:Narcissa Malfoy/Charlie Weasley
Word Count:2131
Summary: Caught up in a changing world after the war, Narcissa lets herself have some fun with Charlie Weasley. Too bad fun has consequences in the form of an unexpected baby.
Disclaimer:I own nothing and make no profit.
Author’s Notes: Thanks to my beta for a super quick turnaround.

71 points

Title:Accidental Matrimony | here
Pairing: Harry Potter/Cho Chang
Disclaimer:I own nothing and make no profit from any of this.
Word Count:1498
A/N:This started as me trying to re-boot a discarded fic and finish it off so I could meet a prompt on a bingo table. Somehow within all that a multichap idea popped into my head and now apparently I'm pottering around with a 'accidentally married' fic. No idea if I will have the ideas to continue it or not but I hope so.
Summery: A Yule Ball is the last thing that Harry Potter wants to deal with. Deciding to ask Cho before someone else does, Harry just hopes she will want to go with the real him and not the guy in the papers. Maybe she might even respect him from their time on the field together. Then his magic interferes.

50 points

121 points Sam/Ravenclaw

creator: ayebydan, character: charlie weasley, character: narcissa black-malfoy, character: cho chang, character: harry potter, form: fic

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