18 haikus

Aug 25, 2013 16:26

Title: Magical Objects
Summary: 18 haikus about magical objects
Characters/Pairings: none
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: g / none
Word Count: all under 100 words
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: nty

this object is not a toy
don't play with it please

foe glass will reveal
when your enemies are close
such a useful tool

silvery pensieve
to hold my memories please
and those i collect

dangerous horcrux
why would you make more than one?
or make even one?

golden time turner
please bring me back to the past
i will go to class

portkey, teleport
travel all over the world
don't eat beforehand

mirror of erised
show me my deepest desires
i may never leave

opaque crystal ball
i want to see my future
hope i'm not dead then

here's a blunderbuss
it's like a mini-canon
but, like, magical

sparkled diadem
of Ravenclaw, make me smart
i'll wear you always

my probity probe,
i love how you detect spells
and keep me so safe

secrecy sensor
similar to my probe
but it detects lies

hello, sneakoscope
if you are untrustworthy
it will make a noise

remembrall turns red
if i've forgotten something
which is all the time

awesome for instant replay
wish i had some now

a magical cloak
of invisibility
to hide in plain sight

use this lunascope
to check out the moon phases
charts are way too hard

goblet of fire
enter your name, if of age
and you're not too scared

knight bus goes too fast
for me to feel very safe
i'd rather just walk

18 challenges x 5 = 9089 points (maxed)

form: poetry, *challenge, creator: caitieness

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