No Challenge [Book Shops and Pizza Parlors] Part 2

Aug 18, 2013 12:04

Title: [Book Shops and Pizza Parlors] pt 2
Summary: Harry is manning Hermione's bookstore while she is out of town. Draco hears of an up and coming bookstore on the edge of muggle London and goes to investigate.

Characters/Pairings: Drarry, mention of Hermione and Narcissa

Genre: Fluff/Romance/Snark snark should totally be a genre

Beta: lumoslaurie and anyone on my f-list cuz I posted it as a WIP on my personal journal as friends only before I finished it.

Rating/Warnings: m/m pairing, snark.

Word Count: Pt 1 1259 Pt. 2 1387

Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure just credit me. daughterjudy@tumblr

Pizza Place name by Dani of Hufflepuff and Bookstore named by Laurie of Gryffindor. Thanks guys :) This is also. Gryff_Lions MadLib Challenge. My words were: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Screamed and Pizza Box

Link to Part 1

"I have nothing else to do with my afternoon I might as well make you miserable along the way." Draco replace his cloak about his shoulders and managed to do so gracefully. Arrogant Bastard. Harry walked around the counter and stepped into the back room. He grabbed his jacket, foregoing his cloak in favor of the unassuming winter wear. Returning to the sale floor, he picked up his keys from under the register, making sure his wand was tucked safely into the inside pocket. He walked to the front door, ignoring Draco completely. Draco followed behind a couple paces, scowling at the back of Harry's head. He donned his gloves as he walked. He was about to get indignant when Harry held the door, gesturing him through into the cold, flipping the open sign over. Harry slipped the keys from his pocked and swiftly locked the door.

"Why go through all that work when you have a wand?" He fought the urge to rub his hands together against the cold. He was a Malfoy, he liked to pretend that he was impervious to cold. Harry didn't answer, instead he pointed to the crowd they'd walked out into. Muggles were busy about their days, not bothering to notice anything out of the ordinary.

"Oh. Right." Draco said aloud, chastising himself for a stupid question. Why does Potter turn me into a complete idiot?

Harry started down the block, not bothering to wait for Draco. "Hey! Wait up, Potter." Draco called from a few paces back, trotting to catch up.

Harry acknowledged Draco with a tilt of his head but didn't say anything. He was hungry and wanted his lunch.

"Where is it we're going exactly?" Draco asked, falling in step with Harry as they walked along.

"I already told you. I'm going to pick up my lunch." Harry replied, shivering against the cold. The Slice was on the next block. Harry walked quickly, weaving in an out of people, leaving Draco to pick his way through the crowd. He had to stop at crosswalk. Which allowed Draco to catch up again.

"Its like you're trying to lose me," said Draco with a laugh, bouncing a bit on the balls of his feet to keep blood flowing.

"Maybe I am." Harry retorted, rubbing his arms, waiting for the light to change.

"That's not very nice of you, Mr. Potter." The light changed and pedestrians filed across the lane in either direction, the two wizards among them.

A giant neon triangle marked their destination. Draco looked up at it. "Do not tell me that is our destination."

Harry smiled. "Of course it is."

Draco scoffed. "Potter loves the gaudy.. ," he didn't know the word. "Just what is this place?" He followed Harry through the door, happy to be out of the cold for a moment. He was hit with the smell of tomatoes, burnt corn meal, and garlic.

"A pizza parlor."

"Hello Mr. Potter. Welcome back. I'll have your order up in a sec." Melanie went behind the partition into the kitchen where they kept the pizzas toasty in a warmer. She checked the tag. "One large everything pizza. That'll be £10." She paused for a moment, looking between the two men: prim and proper Malfoy contrasted against borderline-muggle Harry. She smiled. There was history between them. She could tell from the way they stood. She returned to the counter.

Harry passed her the note. She pressed a few keys on the register and the drawer popped open, printing a receipt. She taped the receipt to the top of the pizza box and slid it toward him. He grabbed the box and turned to walk out the door. Harry held the door open for Draco. "Thanks Melanie." He gave her a little wave and walked into the cold afternoon.

The pair walked briskly, not bothering to chat. It was freezing and lunch was getting cold. Harry tried juggling the pizza while fishing for the keys in his pocket. Draco grabbed the box just as Harry was about to lose it.

"Thanks, Draco." Harry gave Draco a small smile as he unlocked the door. He took the pizza box back from Draco, balancing the box on one arm as he shook snow off with the other. Draco brushed the last of the snow off of Harry's back. Harry glanced back at him quizzically, but didn't question it. He walked back towards the counter, dropping the pizza off next to the register. Returning his jacket to the back room, he grabbed a couple plates and some napkins from the small kitchenette.

Draco removed his cloak and gloves in much the same fashion as before, laying them both on one of the big comfy chairs near the fire to dry. "So just what is pizza, Potter?" he called to Harry, as he was rummaging around in the back room.

Harry returned to the main room with a confused look on his face. "Did you just ask what I think you did?" he stood next to the counter, pulling the stool over from the register to sit down.

"Maybe. I've never had pizza. I read about it in the books my tutor brought, but I've never eaten it." Draco walked toward the counter, conjuring a stool for himself on his side of the counter. He sat down. Harry passed him a plate.

"I'm not going to explain pizza to you. Just try it." Harry said, opening the box and grabbing a slice, and trailing cheese and pepperoni all over the counter in the process. He wrapped the stringy cheese around his finger with ease and popped it in his mouth, smiling.

Draco's cheeks tinged pink at Harry's nonchalance. He grabbed a slice, trying to keep the cheese from making a mess like Harry did and failed. Draco looked at the blob of cheese and carbs and who knows what else sitting on his plate. He looked from his pizza to Harry stuffing his gob and back again. He conjured a fork an knife and tried cutting into the mess without avail.

Harry stared at Draco. Was he really trying to use a fork and knife to eat pizza? He stopped mid-bite to take in the spectacle. "What are you doing?" He asked, finally swallowing the bite he stopped in the midst of.

"Trying to eat this mess," he replied.

"Just use your hands. It won't bite," he decided to mess with Draco. "But, I might."

Draco's eyes grew wide. "What did you just say?"

Harry put his elbows on the counter, propping his chin up with his hands smirking. "You heard me."

"I did. But I'm going to choose to ignore it until I'm done eating and I've had my tea," said Draco trying to sound like he wasn't turned onto the idea of a quick angry snog. Just because Draco had to pretend to hate Harry in school, doesn't mean he had to as an adult. Not like daddy dearest could do anything about it now, locked up in Azkaban as he was.

They went back to eating in silence. Draco finally giving up on using utensils to eat pizza like a normal person. How Harry was able to smirk with with his mouth full was a mystery to Draco. He kept his eyes on his food, trying to stop staring at the raven haired man.

"What have you been up too since the war, Draco?" Harry asked, reaching for another slice of pizza.

Draco stared at Harry for a moment. Did he just call me by my first name?. Thinking back, he did earlier, too. He took a moment to answer. "Mother and I remodeled the manor and added a guest house. Should I ever take a partner, I will still stay in the main house and mother would be in the guest house."

Harry smiled at his mention of a partner and not wife. Draco got up and retrieved the tea service from the table by the fire. He returned, placing it on what was left of the counter space. He conjured tea for two again, pouring steaming liquid into the two cups. Harry waited for Draco to take a sip of his tea to strike.

"So how about a second date?" Harry said smiling.

Draco spat out his tea.

Jaime// 1381/30= 46 pts for Gryffindor

creator: daughterjudy, character: draco malfoy, character: harry potter

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